l2bellum [dot] com, soon the best mid rate around
For the moment info:
(you can debate them)
Till level 52 you will be helped by the system to get everything you need.
1st class will be free (actually you will get some reward doin it).
2nd class will also be free (again you will get reward but don't expect to be able buy top items since we must encourage ppl to join academy so... for top items you will still need adena, money that we hope ppl will give you for the already stated reason).
3rd class will cost you some money (not too much but still not to less, for that you will get some BOG's).
Subclass will be free.
Nobless will require you to do a raid boss (actually you will have to do the quest but from "lvl 65 part").
Buff slots will be retail like (+2/4 still thinking).
Buff duration will be 1hour (we kinda want you to carry that box on big bosses).
GM Buffer will not have all the buffs (still thinking which to remove).
GM Shop will include C/B items (no oly items, if you are that good to make the difference you will be able to do those items easily).
GM Shop will not include any other item than those you can find in grocery.
GM Gatekeeper will be only for catacombs/necropolis (outside of them, participation to dawn/dusk will change the balance of power) but also for some hot spots in the game in order to not make you lose the time with summoners.
Spoil will be easy but getting recipes not.
For that we will include a trader that will trade you simple mats for more advanced ones (we don't want you to lose your time crafting mats, crafting is fun, but not crafting mats).
There will be champion mobs, between lvl 10 and 65, be aware... they will be hard, you will need party but it will worth it.
Raids will also worth doing them.
Quests will be also well rewarded (adena/xp)
Safe enchant 3 (4 fullbody armor).
Max enchant Unlimited.
Teleport is free of charge.
Only global gk cost 1k adena.
This is what i can say for the moment, check the screenshots i attached in our forum