
Author Topic: LF new mid rates interlude  (Read 2696 times)

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    LF new mid rates interlude
    « on: November 01, 2012, 06:45:45 AM »
    l2 new mid rates interlude about 100+ ppl on (exp x30 - x100)

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      Re: LF new mid rates interlude
      « Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 04:34:36 PM »
      Hola! Te presentamos a Toonami L2.

      Clase: Interlude C6 - LOW RATES.
      Fecha de Lanzamiento: 13/10/12.
      Soporte: L2J (filas especiales, con soporte continuo para solucionar todos los problemas que puedan surgir).
      Web: http://www.toonamil2.net


      Xp/Sp: x10.
      Party Xp/Sp: x1.5.
      Adena Drop: x50.
      Spoil: x10.
      Quest Drop / Normal Drop: x3.



      Safe +3 (armors, weapons y jewels).
      Max +16 (armors, weapons y jewels).
      Rate: 58% (70% Blessed/Crystal Scroll).

      Informacion esencial.

      GM Shop (todos los items, desde grado D hasta grado B inclusive).
      Shop Especial (en el podras cambiar tus coins de regalo por votar en Hopzone/Topzone, por fabulosos y sorprendentes items).
      Global Gatekeeper (viajaras GRATIS por zonas C1/C2/C3/C4/C5 y C6 inclusive).
      NPC Buffer (prophet buffs, dances y songs -NO COV-DOMINATOR-BUFFS- + MACROS DE FIGHTER/MAGE BUFFS). Duracion de los mismos: 1 hora.
      AutoLearn Skills: sistema activado (no necesitaras ningun libro o item especial para aprender los skills de tu clase, ya que lo haran automaticamente por si mismos).
      Craft System: una de las caracteristicas conocidas de los servidores LOW. El sistema se encuentra funcionando de manera correcta, de modo tal que no hay errores en el mismo, que afecten la jugabilidad normal de la gente.
      OFFline System: debes irte por algun motivo de la PC, y no quieres desconectarte del servidor? Es simple, con este sistema se acabo esa mala suerte. Solo debes sentarte a vender/comprar un determinado item, y luego, alt+x=exit game. El personaje quedara dentro del servidor en forma OFFLINE, con un color caracteristico, hasta que vuelvas a loguear. REQUISITOS: tener al menos 5 PvPs.


      Comandos del servidor.

      .online: muestra la cantidad de usuarios online, que se encuentran en el servidor.
      .tvtjoin: inscribe al personaje al evento TvT, segun corresponda.
      .tvtleave: desinscribe al personaje del evento TvT en el cual se registro.
      .ctfjoin: inscribe al personaje al evento CTF, segun corresponda.
      .ctfleave: desincribe al personaje del evento CTF, en el cual estaba registrado.

      ----------------- Por que jugar? ----------------------

      Porque somos uno de los pocos servidores argentinos, con un staff especializado en la resolucion de los problemas, de forma sencilla y rapida. Brindamos una jugabilidad estable y divertida a todo aquel que pise el suelo de Toonami L2.

      Como pueden ver, en simples palabras, ODIAMOS LO CUSTOM, razon por la cual, el servidor POSEE 0 CUSTOM.

      Poseemos una excelente seguridad ante ataques DoS/DDoS (en caso de una botnet), contra diferentes programas bots, tales como L2Net o L2Walker, entre otros. Juega tranquilo, nada te pasara.

      El proyecto en el cual estamos trabajando, como bien dije al principio, se actualiza rapidamente, con algunos fixs de diferentes bugs reportados diariamente. Ademas de eso, Toonami L2 se fusionara con otro de los mas grandes proyectos de Interlude conocidos... aCis (another Crappy interlude server).

      En fin, tenemos muchisimas cosas mas para contarte. Nos gusta que la gente se sienta perteneciente a Toonami L2, y que sea, mas que un simple player, que entra y se va. Es por eso que, en Toonami L2, trabajamos dia a dia, para lograr en poco tiempo, ser uno de los mejores servidores de Argentina, clase Interlude LOW RATES, que hayas jugado en tu vida.

      Te esperamos!

      Web: http://www.toonamil2.net
      Foro: http://www.foro.toonamil2.net
      Contacto: [email protected]


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        Re: LF new mid rates interlude
        « Reply #2 on: November 02, 2012, 06:56:39 PM »
        L2Khadia a midrate Interlude server based on official files.

        Basic Features

        45x Experience
        1x Party experience
        200x Adena
        70x Skill point

        Farming Features

        Three farming areas; where you can optain Special materials to create your equipment.
        1.Dragon valey cave: This Zone is designed to farm A grade items and level up, till you are strong enough to step into the next Area.
        Drops: Adena, A grade crystals, A grade gemstone, khadia armor and weapon coin.
        2.Elven Fortress: After gaining A grade Items and reacheing level 74+, you can start to farm for your S grade Items. This area is for single player.
        Drops: Adena, S grade crystals, S grade gemstones, Khadia armor and weapon coin.
        3.Giants Cave: Our party area, which has huge amounts of drops. We suggest single players to randomly party up, since this area has great benefits (~1000% more drops).
        Drops: Adena, S grade crystals, S grade gemstones, Khadia armor and weapon coin, a very low chance of dropping Blessed enchant scrolls.

        Skill Features

        All Interlude skills are working for 99%.
        All skills from the previous Chronicles are working as well.
        Hero skills are only usable at your main class.

        Npc Features

        In Giran center you will find the following Npcs: Classchanger, Gmshop, Subclass manager, Miscshop, Buffer npcs, Warehouse keeper/Freightman, Symbol maker and all the grand masters.
        Gm shop is up to S grade, however you need to farm Special materials to be able to buy S and A grade Items.
        Misc shop provides you with all the misc. you need, like potions, ss and scrolls.
        Class manager lets you change your class for a little amount of Adena.
        Subclass manager makes it easier to make subclass. No quest is needed just 750kk adena. For nobless you have to do full quest, but we sell basic quest items for adena.
        Buffer Npc helps you with second class buffs only, to make farmng a little bit easier.

        Raid boss features

        We picked 16 raid bosses lvl 76+ and gave them special drops respawn time 12h +/- 1h
        Barakiel respawn time 6hrs ( chaotic area )

        Epic raidboss areas are chaotic
        Ant Queen respawn time 24 hours +/- 2h
        Zaken respawn time 48 h +/- 4h
        Baium respawn time 72 h +/- 6h
        Antharas respawn time 96 h +/- 8h
        Valakas respawn time 120 +/- 10h

        Game features

        Buffs last 1 hour, but Cat and Unicorn buffs are retail like.
        We increased the weight of all charakters.
        Also changed the max. inventory slots to a higher amount of slots.
        Max enchant is 16.
        Enchant rate for Mages till +15 is 40%, then 20%
        Enchant rate for Fighter till +15 is 50%, then 25%
        Armor enchat is retail like 66%
        Auto-Learn Skills.
        Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah.
        New chars start with a No grade Helpers pack.

        Olympiad features

        We have a 2 weeks Olympiad period.
        The only restriction we have in oly is raid jewels.
        Infinity weapons have the same p.atk and m.atk as a regular +8 s wespon.

        Siege features

        Every week we will hoste Castle Sieges for 2 castles.
        Maximum amount of castles siegeable are 4.
        Castle lords gain a passive bonus for their whole clan.

        Machine Features

        CPU: Intel Xeon Quad Core 4x3,5GHz
        RAM: 24 GB DDR3-RAM
        HDD: 2x300GB SAS-HDD
        100 Mbit connection
        Unlimitted Traffic

        This might get edited, so be sure to check it out again tonight.



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          Re: LF new mid rates interlude
          « Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 06:03:22 PM »

          Idk about the 100+ ppl yet. It opens in couple of hours! Hope you check it out

