
Author Topic: Looking people merge with as a clan group.  (Read 1796 times)

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    Looking people merge with as a clan group.
    « on: April 24, 2012, 06:54:55 AM »
    Looking a group of people to play IL(to begin with) servers. pvp/pve. You can say so, ye, I'm sort of creating a kind of clan. I'm looking for international people, not just russian, polish, romanian, japanese. Anyone who knows English can join.

    Tho there are some standars that all of us must have. For me those standars are:

        Speaking on a fair level English
        Being multi-language counts(ex: dutch, german + required language [english])
        4 years and above l2 experience(also I count as experience if someone had played not only pvp servers but pve too. Since we might from one day to another move from a pvp server and start all over with a pve)
        Standar hours of activity(3-4 hours the less)

    That's all for now folks. Hope you found interesting anything that you read above. If you're interested you can pm me, either add me on skype: linuxz0r
    msn: [email protected] (i don't really use msn that much. However I check it everyday.)

    PS: maybe some of you have my alternative msn, but since i got banned or w/e I can't really login. Alt. msn: [email protected]  You can add check if you had me on this one, and if you're interested, add me on the new one! ;)
    Truly yours,

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7429.0

