
Author Topic: Aethro 15x L2 server looking for staff!  (Read 1534 times)

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Aethro 15x L2 server looking for staff!
« on: April 06, 2019, 09:39:52 PM »

Since I now have the ability to manage my time (having a kid throws off your ability to have a life SOOOO much) I have started getting back into the swing of things with a Lineage 2 server! So, because I still have to run a full time job and watch my kid, I need a wee bit o help, and that's where you come in!

Some quick details -

I don't care if you don't have much experience in the position you're applying for. Learning is fine, just don't act like you know it all when you don't.

That said, understanding of Lineage 2 is a requirement.

Community Manager position requires knowledge of Twitter, Facebook and promoting via hashtags.

GM positions require time frames you can work. Coverage is a nice thing to have for the players.

You understand that none of the positions I have are paid at this time right? Good.

Exactly what am I looking for? Well --

Community Manager

The community manager will not just be responsible for helping promote Lineage 2 with events and forum posts, they will be assisting in the total operation of Aethro. This includes promoting on twitter, facebook and using hashtags to reach key demographics. They will also be responsible for helping keep the forum and discord moderators under control.

Game Master (L2)

In game response to issues, helping officiate events, helping players have fun (without giving them stuff).

Forum Moderator

Obviously this position is outside the game and is for those that want to help keep the flow of conversation going on the forums. Not to mention also enforce rules set by the CM and Admin team.

Discord Moderator

Same thing as above, except for discord.

Want to ask me more or want to apply to hear more? Visit Staff applications - Aethro. You can also jump on Aethros discord and talk there (https://discord.gg/xp33yT5) however you will still be required to register on the website.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29051.0

