Application for: Ingame GM,Event Manager, Forum Moderator,
Name: George
Age: 18
Time zone: GMT +2
Languages: English, Greek
Game experience: I have played lineage 2 since C3 and up to Freya.
GM experience: GMed two servers(Both L2 J)
Why hire me?
- I can be active on the servers.
- I have GM experience and I could also translate texts if needed.
- I'm friendly and fun but serious about server rules.
Why do I want to GM?:
- I want to GM because I'm literally sick of playing the game BUT, I still love the game. I love the graphics, designs, meeting new people, and just watching players "grow." I love helping people out and sharing my experience.
Please send me a private message if your interested or for more information.
My skype: convict.brutalkiller
My hotmail:
[email protected]Linkback: