
Author Topic: New L2 Server looking for team...  (Read 6243 times)

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    New L2 Server looking for team...
    « on: May 24, 2010, 01:07:36 AM »
    Well Forum here's the deal,
    I was going through my computer the other day and found some old lineage 2 epilogue server files and I thought it would be fun to make a server...

    Hoster (Someone to host the server and has experience hosting Lineage 2 servers)  -  THIS POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED BY MARWAN!
    And yes... These people will obviously be receiving GM ingame.
    I will discuss ingame GM's later, but are not needed for now.

    You can post your applications as a reply to this topic or e-mail it to me at: [email protected]
    Skype me at: Leafthepro

    This post will be updated soon with a link to our server if you would like to join.
    Hope to hear from you.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=1067.0
    « Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 06:39:48 AM by DrastiK »



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    Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
    « Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 01:34:00 PM »
    Well Let's begin ;)

    Interests: Developing
    Anything Else from you:Nothing :)
    Contact Information: Skype=rafgeo18
    « Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 01:36:28 PM by babylon »


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      Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
      « Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 01:49:36 PM »
      Hello,If you want Good Gm...that have experienced a lot of times Gm Char's and Server you can add me [email protected]

      Tnx for taking time to read that...


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        Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
        « Reply #3 on: June 28, 2010, 06:29:18 AM »
        Well Forum here's the deal,
        I was going through my computer the other day and found some old lineage 2 epilogue server files and I thought it would be fun to make a server...

        WHAT I NEED
        Website Developer (HTML, PHP, etc.)  -  THIS POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED BY BABYLON!
        Hoster (Someone to host the server and has experience hosting Lineage 2 servers)  -  THIS POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED BY MARWAN!
        And yes... These people will obviously be receiving GM ingame.
        I will discuss ingame GM's later, but are not needed for now.

        You can post your applications as a reply to this topic or e-mail it to me at: [email protected]
        Skype me at: Leafthepro

        This post will be updated soon with a link to our server if you would like to join.
        Hope to hear from you.





        Experience with GM status:Well, I Know Alot of Commands, I Know In What i Have to put, and in what i can't.I Have Alot of Experience With Event GM.

        If you have devel knowledges explain them here:Well, I Don't Know what u Mean, But Like i said, I Have Alot of Experience Doing Events, I Know How to Stop that Confusion When they start a Event, All Fighting, a big Discussion, etc... I Know Alot of Commands too...

        Reason why you want to be L2  GM:I Want to Become GM, Because i Think Server Needs Some Laugh, Some Fun! So, i Think... "A Few Events Have never done harm to anyone."I Have Alot of Events, About 20 to Show to the People. They Always Beg for Custom Events Tongue

        How many onlinetime can you offer in a day/week? And which times?: About 5 Hours on Monday to Friday, and about 10 Hours per Week(Saturday and Sunday).

        Have you ever been GM on other servers? If yes - where? (that's out of interest and only; A player without experience has as much chances to take the job as any other- newbie gamemasters will be provided assistance/guidance):Well, I've Been GM in Interlude Server... i don't Remember the Name of the server, i just know Safe and Max was +35.

        What makes you feel we must choose you over the rest of applying people?:Because... I Never Corrupted in my Life... and i Feel I Am Always With Good Persons, Like GM's, they always Want the Best For Them... That's why...

        Do you have any good event ideas?: Yes i do!

        Events :

        Catch The Rabbit : I Must be Transformed Into a Rabbit. Players Must Kill me. I'll make my self with 1 HP. Not Allowed Archers, Mages, Skills, Just Melee.The 1 That Kills the Rabbit(Me) Wins a Prize.

        Reach the Number : GM Think in a Number... Like 1 - 20. GM Teleport the 1st 20 Players that want to Come, or He just Let People Pm Him. They only have 1 Chance. The 1 That Reach the Number, or the Closest One, Wins a Prize.

        Russian Roullete : My Favourite! . All Sit Down in a Indian Line. GM Trows a Dice to Each Player. If it Gets 6, The Player Dies. The Last Survivor Wins a Prize!

        Indian Fight : My 2nd Favourite! 2 groups of 6,7,8 Players in a Line. Each Group vs Each Group. like 6 - 6 ; 7 - 7 ; 8 - 8.
        The 1st Fight to the 1st in the other Group. if 1 Dies, The 2nd of the Group that the 1st Died, Go on, and try to Kill the Other. If the Other Dies, the 2nd must go Kill the other 2nd . The group that stay with 1 or more people, Wins a Prize.

        Hide And Seek : a GM Hide in a Place, And give 3 Clues. If Any1 Find him, Wins a Prize.

        Question Event : GM Say any question, and the player must say the Right Answer, Like for exemple :
        Who's the President of U.S.A? and then, they say the answer.
        The First Saying the right answer in a Pm(or a NPC of Answers),wins a Price.

        Treasure Hunt : GM Hide Items, in a Necropolis, or what place he want. He Says the place. People Must Search all that Place. Btw, The Place must have Monsters. No Silent Move, Hide, Dance of Shadow Allowed .

        Last Man Standing : People go to the Coliseum. When GM Announce to Start, they all Fight. The Last Surviving, Wins, and Bishop is not Allowed(All Other Classes are Allowed, even all the Skills).

        I'll Always Be Remembering More, or Just Creating. I'll Edit this Post, if i remember more, or i would create.

        Created Events :

        Fast Write : The GM Announce The Event,and tell them to who want to participate, have to pm him.
        GM Will teleport them to the GM Consultation Service(Jail).
        GM Will Say a Phrase/Word, and They Have to Write Fast, the Word or the Phrase that GM will say.
        The Last Writing The Phrase / Word, Will be Teleported to Giran.

        Hide 'n Catch : The GM Hide in a place, Then Announce that Event Will Start. He Say the Place, Like For Exemple : Around Giran Castle Town.
        The GM Must be outside of the city. Players Will try to seek the GM. If Anyone find him, the player must kill him,But the GM Can Run!(Not with Superhaste Tongue)
        For Exemple, a Dagger find him. He Use Hide, and Backstab the GM - That's Allowed.
        And The GM Must Be at 5000 HP, no CP.
        Only Melee Classes Are allowed.No Mages, Archers, Summoners.Here is a List of the Classes You Can Use :

        Treasure Hunter.
        Plains Walker.
        Abyss Walker.
        Shillen Knight.
        Elf Tanker(I Don't know the name Tongue)

        Well, Archers Can be used, but not with Bows. any Immobility Skill can't be used, like Root, Sleep, Anchor, Medusa, etc...
        Trick and Aggresive Skills Are Allowed And PvP PK Allowed too.
        If Anyone Break Any of this Rules, the player will be Paralysed, Teleported to the City, or to Hellbound, in a Place, Stuck, with Many Trees Around the Player.
        If he Say Apoligize, GM Can Think if he can come Back, or not. But in That Case, GM Will Use Superhaste and Invisibility, To Hide in another Place Around Giran.(In The Exemple).If The Same Player Do The Same Error again, Then he will be Jailed Till the End of the Event.

        Remembered Events :

        Simon Says : GM Announce the Event,and the firsts 20 Pming the GM that they wanna Join the Event, Will be Teleported to a City(Probably Heine)
        The 20 Players Stay Around the GM. GM Say a Action that they Have to Do, Like Unware. The Last "Unwaring" Will be Paralysed, So he Don't do Any Action, and the GM Knows that He's Desqualificated.The Last Standing Unparalysed, Wins a Prize.

        you can find me at ([email protected]) or [email protected]


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          Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
          « Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 06:11:13 AM »
          1. What’s your name? Daniel

          2. How old are you? 17

          3. Your Sex? Male

          4. Where are you from? Ukraine

          5. What languages are you speaking fluently? Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, Greek.

          6. As a GM you must be active daily on forums, are you willing to spend 30 minutes/1 hour on the forums? Of course I am. To be more accurate I usually spend more time on forums to be up to dated with players needs and wants.

          7. How long will you spare your time to the server? 6 hours and more.

          8. For how long have you been playing Lineage 2? I'm playing Lineage 2 since c2. I started before 5.5 years.

          9. Have you ever been a GM on another server? I've been lots of times, I even owned my server and I know how things work out.

          10. Why do you want to be a GM? I like helping servers, I love being a GM and helping people.

          11. What will you do to improve the server? Well, anything that the owner/administrator will ask me that needs improvement, will be improved and I'll be part of it.

          12. What events would you like to run? Korean party vs party, russian roullete, party vs party, 1v1, all vs all, hide and seek, find the drops, kill the gm and other which are my investions.

          14. Do you know about the GM basics (Such as the GM rules, How to act as a GM, what actions to do when etc) if yes please list them? Of course I do. First of all, I give items to nobody. No matter if he is a relative or a close friend of my. Only administrators are able to give as a part of a donation, and of course only with gms allow I can give an item enchanted as an event's price. Also I am not allowed to have an in-game character.

          15. If you find a dual boxer, what would you do? I become banhammah!

          16. If you find someone using L2walker, what would you do, and how would you detect it? There are many ways to understand if someone is using L2Walker or any kind of exploit, and if I can't with only in-game access I'll tell the owner to check the data-base.

          17. If someone is insulting you and your family with various things, how would you react and what actions would you take? First of all I warn him, if he continues he gets jailed, and if he continues again, I ban him.(First I ask for owner's approoval to ban him[I'll show him pics with proofs], and then I react as I believe it is neccessary.)

          18. If a near friend of you is asking for items and various, what would you do and how would you respond? No,no and no! I never was corrupted, and I'll never be. I don't care even if a relative of my asks me items. I care, NOT!

          19. How can we reach you? via msn: [email protected]


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            • Danii`s Page
          Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
          « Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 04:04:13 PM »
          The only thing you gone get like this its players ;) Not staff. They all gone want to be an GM :)


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            Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
            « Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 08:05:11 AM »
            Hi, i play L2 since 2006, im from Portugal and i was GM in 1 server so far, and i would like to be one of the gms in ur server (i make good events and fix ppls problems also), so if u think that u can gimme a shot just send me an e-mail to [email protected]

            Wating for ur Reply, Nuno!

            gl with the project


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              Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
              « Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 04:17:36 PM »
              my name is Dennis im 16 years old and living in germany
              i have a good english and german
              im playing l2 for more than 4 years (started at end of c3)
              im interested of beeing support/event gm
              write me an e-mail at [email protected] or add me in icq 319977796

              yours Zined/Dennis


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                Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
                « Reply #8 on: October 12, 2010, 04:33:28 PM »
                Dear RasNar
                I would like to be gm on your server

                Staff: Gm
                Age: 23
                Sex: Man
                Country: Canada
                Language Proficiency: I  can Speak English and french
                Online Time in Lineage on day: im in vacation for some month, so probably around 6 hours per day !
                Previous staff post/server: L2Uber (Very old one)  - > GM Support
                Why you want to be in our Staff: Because, you guys look cool, i wanna learn more and always more about l2, i really wanna make your server good, i think you should choose me, you won't regret !

                add me on msn for more information : [email protected]
                if you want ventrilo, we could go talk too

                thanks you to take time to read this


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                  Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
                  « Reply #9 on: November 16, 2010, 10:05:19 AM »
                  hello i read for your server and i would like to request to add me to your GM staff
                  Name : Giorgos
                  Surname : Veligiantsos
                  Sex : Male
                  Age : 17
                  Staff : GM/Head GM
                  Previous Experiences : I was GM on 3 servers (kadel's,l2diablo, and anger)
                  I was admin on 1 server (l2redsky)
                  Contact : MSN : [email protected]
                  I will be glad to add me as a GM or GMS when you open your server ...
                  I will respond to petitions and i will inform you all day about the server :)


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                  Re: New L2 Server looking for team...
                  « Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 11:18:21 AM »
                  Many Reply's!
                  Last Active:    May 26, 2010, 03:45:23 PM

