Antibot with:
-Tittle show confurable(Show tittle u want)
-Tittle enabled or disabled for show or not
-Chance for respawn antibot mob
-Antimob lvl minimum & maximum configurable
-Antibot time for autokill antibot mob & respawn again with the chance you choose
-Antibot mob lost HP or not
-Config for amount hp antibot mob will lose
-Antibot mob kill player who hit him or player will have a time for change target(configurable options/time)
-Custom message for advice players that mob is a antibot mob(if u want tittle disabled)
-More than 10 ways for advice players that mob is a antibot mob
-Exclude list for npcs
-Invisible Mode for antibot mob
-Party members near botter can be punished too (configurable)
-AOE attacks can be ignored(configurable)
[email protected]Two video examples:
With tittle enabled & one message option tittle & other message option