
Author Topic: [IL-C6-OFF] CLEAN LEGIT FILES ~Project Felicity~  (Read 3168 times)

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[IL-C6-OFF] CLEAN LEGIT FILES ~Project Felicity~
« on: February 15, 2015, 04:08:05 AM »
Lineage ][ C6 Interlude 100% OFF x64 Complete Final


•   The server is the official platform (PTS)
•   Fully researched server without critical errors
•   The ability to keep the server without rebooting 60-90 days
•   Carefully worked out all the settings in scripts
•   Guarantee without cheats, bugs, dyupov, etc.
•   Large selection of options and server settings
•   Active work to bring the server to the ideal of the future owner
•   At the moment the assembly is Interlude 100%
•   Price: Lineage 2 Interlude build $ 259
Assembling is perfect for any Rates - originally rates are the default x1 from Off settings.   


•   System shadow of weapons and items Shadow Weapons.
•   The maximum level of 80.
•   The system of clans / Academy for Interlude (skills, reputation, etc.)
•   Cursed weapon system (Zariche and Akamanah)
•   Wedding systems.
•   Effects +6 Set.
•   All realized territory and hunting grounds
•   Lots of new quests and other RB Quests
•   fishing System
•   The system of great competitions and heroes
•   Customizable Olympiad
•   All bonuses from sets of objects, crystal shower and enchanting (DBCA, SA, etc.)
•   Elaborate system of fusion skills
•   All right-minded skill effects Interlude / C6 with official data
•   Advanced Buff Slots (Divine Inspiration) 24 Slots + 6 debuff slots. (24 + 6)
•   If you wish, you can enable Gracia Final Buff Style 24 Slots + 12 Dance / Song + 6 debuff slots. (32 + 6)
•   New features in weapon Augmentation
•   Fully customizable enchanted items
•   Processing system and rollback skills (Augmentation, objects, etc.)
•   The system of penalties, (clan -player raid bosses, Death Penalty, etc ...)
•   System monitoring and logging
•   The system automatically learning skills
•   System rollback skill after the Olympics
•   Automatic test system announcements entire server.
•   Builder System. distribution system GM rights.
•   Full GEODATA and pathfinding Interlude with the quality of official servers
•   There is no limit on the maximum online
•   Custom Tuned system of Jail
•   Chat Controller - customizable anti mat system.
•   AIO system and NPC Process Monitor.
•   Duel fully working system.
•   Setting the time of the flag of the players in the attack
•   System offline trade
•   Herb System.
•   Anti-Dupe protection.
•   Anti-Exploit protection.
•   The system of prohibition zones (Wyvern, skills, etc.)
•   Game Master Protection (Advanced Filter IP).
•   The system of protection against third-party players study skills (multiprof)
•   Full customer support Interlude and patronage base module
•   Module basic protection from bot / phx / brute / cheat
•   All pets in Interlude.
•   VIP system (Dynamic Rates) Exp / SP / Adena / Drop and Spoil Rates and Premium Accounts.
•   SkillAcquire now handles (Skills / Clan Skills).
•   Lock system with the support of the clan hall.
•   The system changes the color titles
•   Basic protection uses its own encryption key packages
•   The system automatically selecting drop
•   The system of rewards for PvP and special zones
•   A quick buff and buff conservation schemes
•   Protection system teleportation
•   Automatic system reboot the server, and stability control.
•   Automatic system of donations (Donate),
•   Augmentation System augmentation system (Configuration via a script file).
•   System enchat of skills system to level 80.
•   A flexible system of enchanting items + Setting enchant for all items +Safe Security while enchant
•   System castle sieges, elite clan Hall.
•   Special Areas. You can make special individual areas for PvP or Farming.
•   TVT system (you can make your own events through TVT ai.obj nashey using an automated system)
•   Anti-DDOS system. High stability, and for DDoS attacks.
•   System protection system against attacks (flood, exploits, packet spoofing, etc.)


•   Price Platform (PTS) Interlude - $ 259
•   If you have changed the technical server, IP, Windows - change license $ 50
•   Once you buy our build, you have 30 days of free updates.
•   Each subsequent update cost: About $ 500 goes 1-n every 5-6 months
•   If you want to Test the assembly can go to the server: www.l2rx.com , or firepoint.ru
as well as all known www.shock-world.com

What's New in Version Complete Final (See full changelog)
•   All HTML's 100%
•   All scripts 100%
•   All db mssql's up to date without errors
•   EXTRA: 1 script to make ANy character that you desire , a buffer with all the buffer skills at the retail level's.
•   EXTRA REWARD: After purchase you will have a chance to get a 100 / 1001% GEODATA Original tested.
•   EXTRA: few NPC's TO save your time from customizeing Such as NPC - Buffer and global GK.

Contact Information

[email protected]

Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=22471.0
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 04:16:52 AM by Lin2Gsm »

