
Author Topic: WTS L2J Classic [Interlude Project]  (Read 3646 times)

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    L2J Classic [Interlude Project]
    « on: December 12, 2016, 04:07:00 PM »

    Hello people,

    Here I leave you some features about the project, I hope you like.

    Not based at any well known projects, Teon, aCis, Frozen, Sigmo, Etc.
    Private, international Interlude project.

    Price and info;

    .- Pack Compiled + support 3month : 25usd
    .- Source pack + support 3month : 40usd
    .- Forum project Coming soon

    [COLOR="#FF0000"];* Protections.[/COLOR]
    .- DragonHunters Attacker, Fixed.
    .- Attacker v3, Fixed.
    .- L2j-Killer, Fixed.
    .- Server Crasher, (All versions), Fixed.
    .- Phx Protection, It has the same protections that have any l2j pack, is recommended to buy the LameGuard.
    .- Phx Spam, Fixed.
    .- Phx Announce, Fixed.
    .- DualBox Protection, (With Config, True or False).
    .- L2Walker Protection, (With Config, True or False).
    .- Flood Protection, (Config).
    .- Anti Bot Protection, (With Config, True or False).
    .- Anti Feed Manager, (With Config, True or False).

    [COLOR="#FF0000"];* Retail Features[/COLOR]
    .- Castles, 100% Working.
    .- Olympiad System, 100% Working.
    .- Skils, 95% Working. (We continue to work).
    .- GrandBoss, (Core,Orfen,Queen Ant,Baium,Antharas,Valakas,Frintezza), Fixed. Also u can test it.
    .- Augment, Working.
    .- Hero Weapon, 100% Working.
    .- SubClass system for classMaster work retail like (for example, if you are Fighter you can go to change your main class only in Fighter guild)
    .- Clan Gate, Working.
    .- Trade system, Working like L2OFF. (Also u can test it).
    .- Macro System, Reworked.
    .- Class Master Update, They can modify via htm & config.
    .- Balance Class, All classes and skills are well balanced.
    .- Zone System, Reworked.
    .- Community Board, Reworked, + Custom Community Like L2Sigmo.
    .- Hero Message & infos, Fixed.
    .- Beast Farm, 100% Working.
    .- Almost all quests are working.
    .- Fortress & CH Siege are working.
    .- Clan Hall System, Working.
    .- Siege System, Working.
    .- Manor System, Working.

    [COLOR="#FF0000"];* Custom Features.[/COLOR]
    .- AIO Server System, (With Config True or False).
    .- Donador Server System, (With Config True or False).
    .- Sleep Effect in Offline Shop.
    .- Offline Shop + Configs.
    .- Away Mode, (I think you know what this).
    .- PcBank Points, (With Config True or False).
    .- Vote Reward System, Hopzone & TopZone.
    .- Champion System, (With Config True or False).
    .- Events, TvT, CTF, TW, DM. Rebirth.
    .- Wedding Manager.
    .- PvP Custom Reward.
    .- Command .Online & Player Online on enter.
    .- And we will added more things soon.

    ;* Some quest are rewritten in java.
    ;* All AI are rewritten in java.
    ;* Hero Circlet & Hero Weapon, rewritten in java and separated.
    ;* Some sql are rewritten in xml.

    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Olympiad Messages:[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Olympiad System[/COLOR]

    Custom Community Board

    Champion Mods Auras

    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Aura Red[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="#0000CD"]Aura Blue[/COLOR]
    Or random aura

    ; If u are interested, Send me a PM.  my Skype : [COLOR="#00FF00"]myazzxd[/COLOR]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26835.0

