
Author Topic: [WTB] Infinite Odyssey server files and geodata  (Read 3276 times)

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OfflineDave D (Aka Gambit)

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    [WTB] Infinite Odyssey server files and geodata
    « on: July 13, 2015, 02:59:52 AM »
    I am looking to purchase Infinite Odyssey server files and geoadata for a private server.
    I simply want to make a server that has staff not concerned with how much money they can make but how much fun the people on the server are having.

    There are no good servers out there for Infinite Odyssey, that have stable files and where the staff actually cares about their players, so I have decided to find the files and make one myself with some of my close friends so that peopel have a place to come without worrying about greedy GMs.

    When replying please state the price and state of the server files/geodata. In otherwords are the serverfiles stable, full of bugs, or have had a generous amount of fixes applied.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

    -- Aka Gambit

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