
Author Topic: [WTS][Freya or H5] Faction files - Stable server  (Read 2865 times)

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    [WTS][Freya or H5] Faction files - Stable server
    « on: June 24, 2015, 10:30:37 AM »
    Hello, i developed a stable and one of the best packs i can check around even better than FandC
    server (Freya or H5) with faction content AND normal content.

    The basic engine allow you to set how many factions you want with their villages.
    With the pack you can order any code, i'm able to develop everything you want, example:
    1) faction guards (guard that kill the enemy faction if enter region)
    2) faction events (events that faction join and split team base on their faction)
    3) faction items (items that events happen once faction click on them or items that only x faction can pick/get)
    4) faction areas (areas that only x faction can enter)
    5) faction npc's  (npc's that only x faction has access)
    6) faction raid bosses (raidbosses that can be killed by x faction)
    7) faction instances (instances that only x faction can join)
    You can order any code (is in the price of the pack)

    About Skills, i spended months with my old partner to check each skill such as
    silence, anchor, sleep, heal, backstab, trick, veil, root, bleed e.t.c and we re-made them to be worked
    About Quests, pretty much every quest work, i have tested many quest cause i was running the server as x40
    and i noticed quests that iddn't work or missing things and their fixed.
    About Instances, they are all work by default
    About protection, you can order ban Hardware for hackers if you like with the pack


    About content, is based on l2j and the project called L2jAddictions,
    quests,instances,skills,bosses all work fine and is perfect for low rate - mid rate and PvP.

    L2jAddictions is use Phoenix Engine and i've added 3 new events, (im working on more)
    Some photos:
    http://i62.tinypic.com/e12s7b.png (Top rank)
    http://i57.tinypic.com/295r05z.png (Community)
    http://i57.tinypic.com/295r05z.png (Bind area)
    http://i57.tinypic.com/295r05z.png (Premium)
    http://i57.tinypic.com/25jjtqs.png (Event manager)

    Add me on skype: unst0ppabl32            for infos. Thanks!
    *Note* You can request, whatever you like if you buy this pack, i'm the creator of it, i have the knowledge
    to support you and design any code you ask (events, custom codes, protections, handlers e.t.c)

    Thanks a lot!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23809.0
    « Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 03:44:54 PM by GraetMaestro »

