* Main events
- Fully working events: Team vs Team, Advanced Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Mass Domination, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing events, Lucky Chests (extremely advanced version), Hunting grounds, Battlefield, Mutant, Zombies, Treasure Hunt and Treasure Hunt PvP with literally tens of ways to customize them
All Main events have following features:
* advanced sorting players to the teams (based on level or pvps), also it ensures the same count of healers in all teams
* automatic creation of parties and advanced sorting of healers to the parties, which tries to put at least one healer to each party
* multiple instances engine, which allows you to separate the event into more instances, to make the event more balanced. You can, for example, create one instance for players within level 20-40; one for 41-62; one for 63-75 and the last one for levels 76-85.
* all players have title which contains player's score and sometimes even his deads count
* advanced spawn system (classic or wawe spawning), there can also be more spawns for each team
* multiple maps support - the map for the event is selected randomly (I plan to include an optional voting system for the next map too in the future)
* give rewards for First blood on the event
* give rewards for first X registered players in the event
* support for players who disconnected from server and event to get back to the event if they relogin
* support for Radar system (quest-like arrow above player's head point the player to the place where he should be, like enemy's flag or base)
* Mini events
- Fully working Single players fights, Party fights, Korean Party fights and Mini TvT events, including the Event Modes engine, using whose I added following modes to the server as templates, which you can use to create your own modes:
Single players fights:
- 1v1 event (classic 1v1 fights)
- 3 players FFA event (free-for-all)
- 5 players FFA event (free-for-all)
Party fights:
- 5vs5 (register with a party of 5 people and fight another party)
- 2vs2 (you only need one friend!)
- 9vs9 (full parties)
- 2vs2vs2 (same as 2vs2, there are 3 teams fighting each other)
- 5vs5vs5 (same as 5vs5, there are 3 teams fighting each other)
Korean Party fights:
- 5vs5 (you need a party of 5 people)
- 3vs3 (grab two friends to join)
- 9vs9 (for full parties)
Mini TvT:
- 10vs10 (smaller version; you don't need any party to join, teams are created automatically)
- 20vs20 (bigger version)
Note that these are just examples. Making of an EventMode is a work for like 20 seconds!
- You can also create these Mini event matches manually and then watch them
- All mini events are instanced. That means there can be infinity count of matches fighting in one map. However, I still recommend using more maps (= places where the players fight) for mini events, only because it is cool.
- There's a configurable delay which you have to wait, after you joined a mini event, to join the same mini event again (by default it's 10 minutes). This delay is shorter if you lost your last match.
- The max difference between two players that will be able to play in the same match is configurable, by default it's 5
* Other features:
- Fully working admin panel (//event_manage), allowing you to customize almost everything on the engine
- Fully consigurable advanced Reward system (especially useful on FFA events, such as Deathmatch); using which you can reward almost every action on the event
- Creating multiple maps for events. The maps are selected randomly when the event starts (or you can force it to use the map you want, if you're launching the event manualy). You can add descriptions for the map so that the players can prepare for it before the event starts.
- Event Warning system - adds warning points to players that, for example, disconnect while they're on a mini event or somehow else interrupt events. If their warning raises to 3, they will be unable to join any event. Warnings decrease by 1 every day.
- Event Scheme buffer, where the players can create their own schemes of buffs, which will be applied on them when they are on the event
- Advanced ingame configuration engine, with different inputs to the configs, such as a true/false Enum for booleans, MultiEdit for long strings, or MultiAdd for configs, such as disabledSkills (which allows you to comfortly add/remove skills from the list)
- Dualbox protection for registrations (can be disabled), AFK protections
- Registration NPC shows current event's description written dynamically based on current config
- Detailed informations about the current/next event in Community board (
- Fully advanced statistics engine
- Multilanguage support (you can translate messages sent by the engine to your language)
- .register and .unregister commands (or set your own command for remote registering)
- .suicide command in case you stuck in textures
- NPC Buffer which can be used everywhere, not just in events. It supports the same schemes as the event buffer , which means the player only has to make one scheme and then can use it on both events or normally in the game.
I still need to finish:
- Voting system for players
- Correct English grammar typos (especially in the admin panel) (yeah I know I'm still making them alot, but some of those I just found in the engine are like a punch to my eyes sad.gif. )
- Finish the rest of the planned events
- Tournaments!
- API for developers
There is also 41 premade maps (71 premade maps for the Not allowed membership) for you, which you can use as templates for your own maps. The Not allowed
And finally,
the engine is compabile with all L2J version except for the Interlude, which will be finished later.
Available Licenses:
Price Per License: 25e
Skype Contact: xrhstos.vagenas
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=19368.0