
Author Topic: L2topzone.com information needed for security clearance.  (Read 2127 times)

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  • L2topzone.com

    We would like to add a server profile your L2topzone.com listing. But, before we are able to accomplish this, we need information that only L2topzone.com staff can provide.

    The issue is that our servers are protected by strict security features, that may block L2topzone.com services from connecting/contacting our server. Most likely, it will also cause L2topzone.com staff to be unable to verify our website, forum and server as being up and running properly.

    In order to save any possible grief, and to make L2topzone.com staff's lives a bit easier, we would need to add any IP addresses that may be sources of L2topzone.com server checkers or staff checks, to our firewall cluster white list. We understand that this information may be too sensitive to be supplied in public channels.

    This issue does not affect normal users connecting from clean IPs, that were never reported to authorities as being involved in malicious activity. Proxies and alike, unsecured server farms, company IP addresses, or any other misc. IP addresses reported to authorities as sources of malicious activity, even if way in the past, are ALL BLOCKED prior to connection establishment.

    Furthermore, please understand that dropping security is not "negotiable". The server is old, and has existed in public since prior to 2008, under these conditions. It is not a problem for us nor our users, but sometimes causes ridiculous conflicting situations with server list owners, whose lists contain similar requirements as L2topzone.com. If L2topzone.com staff would not supply the information we need, for whatever reason, we can just skip registering a profile in L2topzone.com and go on to the next server listing website/community. No harm done, and no grudge against L2topzone.com will be held.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7893.0
    « Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 10:27:55 AM by Rx.NET »

