
Author Topic: Is a personal Issue or what?  (Read 5099 times)

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    Is a personal Issue or what?
    « on: November 13, 2011, 03:08:10 AM »
    Original en Español:

    Buenos días en primer lugar.

         Quiero que me digas varias cosas:

     Dime exactamente porque mi servidor no se lista en la pagina. ¡Explicadme! Qué es lo que he hecho mal, ¿Qué datos son los que te siguen faltando?, ¿Cuanto tiempo tiene que estar online el servidor para que esté listado?, ¿Cuantas veces más voy a tener que registrar el servidor en la pagina?.

         Mi servidor lleva online desde el lunes pasado y en ese intervalo de tiempo he tenido que registrar el servidor dos o tres veces. Mirá. No me tomes más por tonto... Dime si por tu parte esto se ha convertido en un tema personal y por esa excusa no listas el servidor, ya que si ese es el caso, obviamente no tengo nada que hacer contigo. No seguiré perdiendo más mi precioso tiempo.

         Por otro lado, si estás pensando que te voy a pagar para que listes el servidor, lo llevas claro, pero que muy claro.

    ¿A alguien más le pasa esto mismo que estoy contando?.

         Normalmente, creas un usuario en el foro. Rellenas el perfil. Añades el servidor y esperas unos dias para que se apruebe. Después de pasar esos días, no sabes que es lo que pasa, porque no recibes ni un triste correo electronico para saber si el registro va a ir bien o va a ir mal.

    Espero que con ésto ya sean ustedes capaces de responder claramente.

    Traducción al Inglés:

    Good morning first. I want to know several things:

         Tell me exactly why my server is not listed on the page. Explain to me! What I did wrong?, what data are still missing you?, how much time you have to be online the server to be listed?, how many times I have to register the server in the website?.

         My server has been online since last Monday and in that interval of time I had to register the server two or three times. Look. I do not take more than a fool ... Tell me if for your part has become a personal issue and for that excuse does not list the server, because if that's the case, obviously I don't have nothing to do with you. I don't continue losing more my precious time.

         On the other hand, if you're thinking that I'll pay you to list the server, you take clear, very clear.

    Anyone else the same thing happens I'm saying?.

         Normally, you create a user in the forum. You fill the profile. You add the server and wait a few days for approval. After all those days you do not know what happens, because you do not receive even a unhappy email to see if the Register is going well or going wrong.

     I hope this whether you are able to respond clearly.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4784.0



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    Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
    « Reply #1 on: November 13, 2011, 05:04:52 AM »
    Hi, i don't have any personal problem with you. You only forget to read l2topzone.com add server rules. You have added this ip from 3 different users: Merlyn , shaiphodias and @Shaiphodias@, all the times servers added from this users  do not fallow our rules like:

    8. You must have a working website or a forum (Homepage) for users to contact you.
    - L2Topzone is NOT to be used for your player support, game play support - players must be able to contact you for that support
    - Invalid links will cause server deletion at approval

    a) L2topzone banner must be publicly displayed on your homepage.
     - Vote link/banner may not be in any script, program, launcher, loader, updater, floating, etc...
     - Voting banner MUST BE ON your homepage.
     -The link must be. (http://l2topzone.com/vote.php?id=####).

    What this means is:

    -> No more floating banners, no vote scripts, no vote or wait redirects, no popups, no flash, no js. No client side scripts; launcher. loader, updater....
    This does not mean that you can't have flash or js on your site, it just means the L2Topzone vote banner can not be used in it.
    Nothing but a plain and simple L2Topzone banner. (You may use your own banner, but the same rules apply, See #3 below)

    -> The L2Topzone vote banner MUST be found on your homepage.

    -> The link must be our link. (http://l2topzone.com/vote.php?id=####)
    If you plan not to use the voting banners we provide (because of various reasons), the banner must contain our name (L2Topzone) not "vote" or "vote for us".
    Good example should be: "vote for us on L2Topzone".
    - second server listing requires a second ad display

    REMOVAL of the L2Topzone link or other required info constitutes our removal of your site from the list.

    Conclusion, i do not have any personal problem with any user from this forum.... i just want users to read and respect our rules.


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      Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
      « Reply #2 on: November 13, 2011, 05:45:31 AM »
      En español:

      Perdona, pero creo que he cumplido todas las reglas. He puesto vuestro banner en el foro. Toda la información necesaria que necesitan los usuarios está descrita en tu página. Dime si ahora está todo bien.

      Las otras IP's puedes borrarlas tranquilamente. Los otros usuarios que mencionas y perfil que tengan asociado también los puedes borrar. Creo que en otro post ya te dije que los borraras y no me has hecho ni caso.

      El foro está funcionando perfectamente hace ya mucho tiempo, no sé porqué lo mencionas.

      Los usuarios pueden perfectamente contactarme a través del correo electronico o por el foro. Tampoco sé por que lo comentas.

      ¿Donde están los link's no validos? ¿Cuales son?.

      En Inglés:

      Sorry, but I think I've fulfilled all the rules. I put your banner in the forum. All necessary information needed by users is described in your page. Tell me if everything is fine now.

       The other IP's you can safely remove. The others you mention and have an associated profile can also be deleted. I think in another post I told you that I deleted and you did not listen.

       The forum is working perfectly long ago, not sure why you mention it.

       Users can seamlessly contact me via e-mail or forum. I do not know by that comment.

       Where are the link's not valid? What are they?.


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      Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
      « Reply #3 on: November 13, 2011, 05:58:16 AM »
      Your server is still offline.


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        Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
        « Reply #4 on: November 13, 2011, 06:13:03 AM »
        Now it's OK. Try.


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          Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
          « Reply #5 on: November 13, 2011, 07:03:23 AM »
          I just see that it is approved. I understand everything right now. Tell me if so. DELETE users and all that I told you?. Is to have no more problems.


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            Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
            « Reply #6 on: November 13, 2011, 07:19:01 AM »
            But what happens now, changing a letter in the description and put me waiting for approval. Do not understand.


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              Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
              « Reply #7 on: November 13, 2011, 07:22:06 AM »
              Certainly the banner of the promo does not work.


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                Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                « Reply #8 on: November 13, 2011, 07:24:26 AM »
                Approves the letter "e" that I added in the description.


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                  Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                  « Reply #9 on: November 13, 2011, 07:25:39 AM »
                  Look at that mistake out.
                   Warning: mysql_fetch_array () Expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean Given in / var/www/vhosts/l2topzone.com/httpdocs/sort.php on line 8


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                  Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                  « Reply #10 on: November 13, 2011, 07:38:26 AM »
                  All modification to your server info need to be approved by admin. Only Premium Users do not need admin approval.
                  « Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 07:44:56 AM by xzone »


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                    Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                    « Reply #11 on: November 13, 2011, 07:45:41 AM »
                    Ok. Thanks. And approval? is solved as well?. I understand that by changing one letter in describing these things should not happen.


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                      Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                      « Reply #12 on: November 13, 2011, 07:50:05 AM »
                      Well, because I do not approve the modification of the letter?. It would be a pleasure for me please. It would keep everything as is. Do not bother more.


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                        Re: Is a personal Issue or what?
                        « Reply #13 on: November 13, 2011, 07:52:48 AM »
                        Problems solved. Good administration. He said no more annoying. Thank you.

                         For my part and you can close the topic.

                         Thank you very much.

