
Author Topic: L2 Narsell Mid x50 || Narsell's Reborn || 28/4/2012  (Read 2017 times)

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    L2 Narsell Mid x50 || Narsell's Reborn || 28/4/2012
    « on: April 25, 2012, 04:48:49 PM »
    We are glad to Announce you that L2 NARSELL is BACK !

    Grand Opening Date : 28/4/2012

    RateXp = 50
    RateSp = 50
    RatePartyXp = 55
    RatePartySp = 55
    PetXpRate = 50
    RateDropAdena = 100
    RateConsumableCost = 1
    RateDropItems = 20
    RateDropSpoil = 25
    RateDropManor = 15
    Rate Spoil = 20
    RateDropQuest = 20
    RateQuestsReward = 20
    RateKarmaExpLost = 20
    #Adena Drop Raid/Boss
    AdenaBoss = 100
    AdenaRaid = 50
    AdenaMinon = 50
    #Item Drop Raid/Boss
    ItemsBoss = 20
    ItemsRaid = 20
    ItemsMinon = 20
    Normall Scrol Rate = 55%
    Blessed Scrol Rate = 65%
    Mid Rate Life Stone = 7
    High Rate Life Stone = 8
    Top Grade Life Stone = 10
    SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32

    Server Client C6(Interlude)
    Balanced Skills c4-c6
    Balance Class
    All Aguments Skills Balanced(Tested)
    Mana Potions 500 Mp Each
    Manor Working Retail
    All Quest Working Retail
    28 Buff Slot
    Siege Every 2 weeks
    Clan Halls Retail(With All NPC's)
    All Grand Boss Spawn retail like
    No Custom Items
    No Tattoos
    Auto Loot
    Auto Learn Skills
    Max Subclasses = 3
    Max Subclass level = 80
    Max Alliances = 3
    Clan Penalty
    Ally Penalty
    Grade Penalty - yes there is
    Events Protection
    PvP farming Protection
    Scheme and macro buffer. All buffs 2 hours.
    MultiBox Allowed
    Working Four Sepulchers
    Offline shops system
    Fortress retail

    Announce Hero Login
    Announce Castle LOrd Login
    Announce Online Players
    Announce Record Online
    Announce Ban/jail Player
    Announce Mammon
    Announce Raid Dead/alive
    PvP/Pk Reward System
    Custom Buffs time 1 hour
    Only 1 Agument allowed to use
    Allow Heal Raid Boss
    Clan Leader Custom Tittle
    Custom Reward kill war 5 points
    HsRheumatismChance = 5
    HsCholeraChance = 5
    HsFluChance = 5
    HsMalariaChance = 5
    Champion System
    Weddying System
    no Weight Penaldy
    MaxSubClasses = 5
    Free SubClass w/o Quest
    Max Buffs 28
    Mastery Penaldy
    Custom Balance Class by Narsell
    DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1
    DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 5
    DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 1
    DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 2
    DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 1
    DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 1
    DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 1
    AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 3
    AltClanMembersForWar = 10
    Free Class Master
    Custom mana potions reg 500 mp
    Max Debuffs 6
    #Custom Commands: .stat/.online/.ipblock/.password/.repair/.expon/.expoff/.ch_deposit/.ch_
    • #Raid Boss Respawn Time
      Valakas 96+2
      Antharas 96+2
      Frintezza 48+2
      Baium 48+2
      Zaken 40+2
      Orfen 20+2
      Core 33+2
      Ant Queen 24+2
      Barakiel 5

      Olympiad Cycle: 2 Weeks
      Olympiad start time: 18:00
      Olympiad end Time: 00:00
      Olympiad Fight time 6 hours
      Olympiad Max Enchant +6
      Olympiad No Aguments
      Olympiad After match skill refresh
      Olympiad Auto Hero
      Olympiad No Same ip
      Olympiad: Max Lost/Loose Points:15

      cata/necropolis gatekeeper
      Gm Shop Untill B Grade
      Custom Buffer

      Intel Core I7 1024 4 4.01 GHZ
      16 GB Ram
      1000mbit/s Connection
      Unlimited Trafic
      Linux Os
      HDs&Intel SSDs

      Cisco ASA 5500
      L2 Wallker Protection
      Spawn Protection:20 Sec
      Olympiad Protection
      Events Protection
      L2Net Protection
      L2Boot Protection

      Website: www.L2Narsell.com

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7452.0

