Hello, Dear Friends

L2Siren Team presents new interlude server x30.
For nearly two years we have gathered the necessary information about the preferences players what the optimal settings for the game server We worked well and create good Games and Geodata files Now we would like to invite you to play on New Server, which will start soon Any information about your settings will be available on our website and our forum.

RateXp = 30x
RateSp = 30x
RatePartyXp = 2x
RateAdena = 50x
RateDropItems = 20x
RateSpoilItems = 15x
RateRaidDropItems = 7x
RateQuestDrop = 10x
Safe Enchant = 3
Safe Max Enchant = 4
Enchant MaxWeapon = 16
Enchant MaxArmor = 16
Enchant MaxJewelry = 16
Enchant Normal = 50%
Blessed Enchant = 60% (No Break Item)

Misc Shop
Weapon Shop
Armor Shop
Event Manager
Buffer Basic Buff
Class Manager
Gk Global With Town Zone and Tower 7s
Merchant of Mammon in town
Blacksmith of Mammon in town
Olympiad System
Olympiad Start 18:00 end 00:00
Olympiad period : 2 weeks
Olympiad min players: 4 (Non-Classed)
Olympiad min players: 4 (Classed)
You Need 9 Match And 1 Wins To Be Eligible To Hero.
Class change free
Subclass free
Noblesse questable/buyable
Buff time (2hr)
NPC Buffer (without resist)
Mana Potion
Castle/Clan hall Working
Olympiad heroe (2weeks)
Dualbox allowed
Auto learn skills
Max buff 26 (+4) (Read Forum)
Debuff bar working
Vote Reward System : 1 FA every 5 votes
Bugless geodata
Autolearn skills
TvT Event each (2hr)
TvT Reward : 1 FA
Friendly GM Staff
Regular updates
GM events
Active staff
Fair donations, no donation for weapons, armors or enchants unlike other servers
Player's spawn protect: 60 sec
Main City: Giran Town
When a char is started will be received with 50k adena
Gm Shop until B-grade
A - S grade need craft
Trading SealStones
.allow_xp / Disabled and Enabled Xp-SP
Offline shops
PvP/PK announce
Champions enabled
Increased slots WH/shops/manufactures
Zone Store.

As I have heard many suggestions on buff slot I decided to create a new system over the slot, This suits everyone.
The system that was created is this:
The normal slot of buff now is 26 SLOT + 4 with all divine inspiration, TOTAL 30 SLOT.
Divine inspiration is not auto learn, Now you can buy some books in the shop "New Shop" and learn it, You slot will increase, Depending of book you will be learn.
Visit us and enjoy a unique experience!
Our website -
http://l2siren.net/Our forum -
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9337.0