
Author Topic: are invited to reopening trash server  (Read 1106 times)

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    are invited to reopening trash server
    « on: July 23, 2020, 07:00:40 PM »
    Servidor mid rates trash server Re abre su puertas el sábado 25 de julio a las 18 horas (GMT-3).

    Exp/SP: x15
    Adena: x10
    Drop: x6
    Spoil: x7
    Quest Drop: x2
    Quest Reward Rate: x1
    Manor: x6
    Raid Boss Drop: x1
    Epic RB Jewel Drop: x1
    Safe Enchant: +4
    Max Enchant: +16
    Normal Scroll of Enchant Chance: 52%
    Blessed Scroll of Enchant Chance: 60%
    Elemental Stone chance: 40%
    Elemental Crystal chance: 30%
    2h duration on all buffs, dances, songs, summon, prophecies.
    Buff slots: 24(+4 Divine Inspiration)
    Dance/Song slots: 12
    Skills are auto learn (Except forgottens).
    Automatic loot for monsters.
    Manual loot for raid bosses & epic bosses.
    1st, 2nd, 3rd profession change for Adena on Class Master NPC.
    Sub-Class FREE (Doesn't require Official Quest)
    Certification quest free
    Mana Potions: 1000 MP Restoration with 10 seconds cooldown.
    Champion Monsters up to Lv 75 (2% to chance to spawn)
    Pride of Kamael buff is a SELF ONLY buff.
    Exp/SP Runes
    Control & click on an attribute or attribute crystal (adds them all together in 1 item)
    Mob drop/exp/sp under and above 8 levels penalty.

    https://trash server/
    https://www.facebook.com/trash server/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29741.0

