
Author Topic: L2Jl2 mutiny x15 best hi5 server (protected)  (Read 1436 times)

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    l2 mutiny x15 best hi5 server (protected)
    « on: February 12, 2020, 04:32:28 PM »
    Greetings players,
    Welcome to our new project!
    With the reservation that we can’t list or reveal every single thing right here and right now we advise you reading carefully our specs.
    First and foremost, let us tell you how we differ from other servers:
    Unique and captivating new designs.
    Unique and user friendly community board with all information you need
    Unique Achievement System rewarding all your efforts throughout the game.
    You will never have to worry again about many things that bothers you in the past check .cfg menu in game.

    We offer balance! Donation unfriendly environment for people to abuse and ruin the game. Most of donation is for visual’s.
    You read those differences and you ask yourself: “but I liked that in that other server. “Don’t worry we got you! As players for many years of that great game we gathered for you what we think is best for server based on competitive growth till the point that you reach that heights and become a worthy opponent for that epic fights.
    For questions, ideas of how to make server better or just for spam with us join Our Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/ek6nMmQ
    Read Below some of them and basics for L2Mutiny Project:

    General RATES:

    Exp/Sp : x15
    Adena : x7
    Drop: x5
    Quest Reward:x3
    Epic RB Jewel Drop: x1
    Save Enchant: +4
    Max Enchant: +16
    Normal Enchant: 56%
    Bless Encahnt: 60%
    Max Enchant: 50%
    Max Enchant: 30%
    Quest Reward: x2
    Manor: x2
    Global Gatekeeper
    GM Shop up to S
    Auction House
    Control Pannel .cfg

    Basic Features :

    Donation Store with limited available options.
    Ranking System in Community Board
    Items, Monsters & Raid Bosses Database with many functions
    Automatic potions clicker system, CTRL+Click

    Vote Reward System with a 12h cooldown usage and a 12h duration
    that you can obtain each time you vote.
    Reward: Increases your Adena XP/SP by 5% and P.ATK/M.ATK/P.DEF/M.DEF by 8%

    Unique Achievement System: .ach

    Game Configuration

    Maximum Clients per PC: 3
    2h duration on all buffs, dances, songs, summon, prophecies
    Buff slots: 24(+4 Divine Inspiration)
    Dance/Song slots: 12
    Skills are auto learn
    Automatic loot for monsters
    Manual loot for raid bosses & epic bosses
    1st, 2nd, 3rd profession change for Adena on Class Master NPC
    Mana Potions: 1000 MP Restoration with 8 seconds cooldown.
    Champion Monsters (2% to chance to spawn)
    Pride of Kamael buff is a SELF ONLY buff.
    You CAN NOT delevel to less than 70 Level.

    Olympiad System

    Olympiad on 1 week circle.
    New heroes every Week
    Olympiad needs 6 minimum participants to begin
    Class based option disabled
    Limit Enchant +6 on Match.

    Unique Events

    Last Hero Standing
    Last Hero Standing Event is a free-for-all Event. It's a fight involving many combatants/characters with your only goal to survive as long as you can. Last player that stays alive on the battlefield is winning. Players are transformed to prevent helping friends

    Team VS Team
    In Team vs Team Event all participating members are divided in two sides (Red - Blue) and the only goal is to kill as many players you can from the enemy side. Each kill brings score to your Team. Respawn takes 5 seconds. Event Duration: 10 minutes

    Capture The Flag
    Capture the Flag is a Team Event. Try to steal Flag that is placed near enemy spawn location and bring it to your territory. Don't forget to defend your flag, we don't want it to be hold by enemy hands!
    Event Duration: 10 minutes

    Tresure Hunt
    Treasure Hunt is a free-for-all Event. Your goal is to find chests and open them! Focus on other players too, you are getting points for killing them. You get 1 Festival Adena per Chest

    Korean Style
    Korean Style is a Team Event. All you need to do is defeat enemy Team in 1 VS 1 Fights. Prove you are the best and kill the enemy in a fair battle!

    Fight For Throne
    Team Event. Protect the Castle from the Invaders and don't let them engrave the Spam is not allowed of Ruler or Castle Throne will be theirs. Every invader is able to cast the Spell. Team which will possess the Castle after 10 minutes, will win the Event.

    The goal in Deathmatch Event, also known as free-for-all, is to kill as many other players as you can in 10 minutes. After death, you will respawn in random location after 10 seconds. The one with the most kills wins the Event

    Mass Domination
    Team Event. In middle of the zone is spawned one NPC. All your team need to do is to stay near the NPC and kill the opposite team to dominate the zone. Death player near the Npc range are not counted. Respawn Time 2 minutes

    Raid Bosses and Instances:

    Unique Raid Boss with custom drop: Core lv 60(HARD)
    Core Area: PvP, No Summon
    Droplist :

    Ring of Core(customized): 21MP, Mental Resistance 15%, Mental Attack Rate 15%, Speed +3, PvP Magic damage 5%, Healing Power 10%.

    Festival Adena
    Donation Coins
    All Top A grade weapons
    Top-high LS 67=70
    Custom Mask’s

    Core: 24 h (1h Random Respawn)
    Ant Queen: 24 h (2h Random Respawn)
    Baium: Retail
    Antharas: Retail
    Beleth: Retail
    Valakas: Retail

    Core: LV 60: Required lvl: below 65
    Instances: Frintezza Required players: 9
    Instances: Zaken Daytime Lv 83 Required players: 9
    Zaken Daytime Lv 60 Required players:9
    Zaken Nightly Lv 60 Required players: 36
    Instances: Normal Freya Required players: 9
    Instances: Hard Freya Required players: 18 (Recomanded 27 Players)
    Instances: TIAT Required players: 11
    Instances: Beleth Required players: 18

    Castle Sieges
    Jakby ktoś miał problem z angielskim chetnie odpowiem, server ma tydzień przyjemnie sie gra
    w grze pod nickiem: LecimyTutaj
    Strona: www.l2mutiny.com


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29450.0

