
Author Topic: L2JL2Cornelius PVp  (Read 834 times)

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    L2Cornelius PVp
    « on: October 31, 2018, 09:43:24 AM »
    L2Cornelius Interlude Project by L2Core team!
    Grand Opening 03 November 21:00 GMT+2

    -= Server Rates =-
    Exp : 1000x
    Sp : 1000x
    Party Exp : 2x
    Party Sp : 2x
    Adena Drop : 5000x
    Drop Items : 1000x
    Drop RB Items : 2x
    Spoil : 5x

    -= Enchant Rates =-
    Perchant Weapon : 50-75% Random
    Perchant Armor : 50-75% Random
    Perchant Jewels : 50-75% Random

    Max Armor : +25
    Max Weapon : +25
    Max Jewels : +25

    Safe Armor : +7
    Safe Jewels : +7
    Safe Weapon : +7

    -= NPCs =-
    GM Shop
    Global Gatekeeper
    Town Buffer
    Skill Enchanter
    Spam is not allowed Stone-Augumentation Trader
    Clan Hall Viewer
    GK Farming Areas
    GK ToP PvP Areas
    Dyes Manager
    Castle Siege Manager
    About Server
    Top Players
    Class Manager
    Misc Shop
    Wedding Manager
    Shop Recipe
    Tattoo Shop 100% working

    -= Other Features =-
    Olympiad System
    Clan hall system
    Siege system
    PC Bang Point system
    Special rewards with pc bang point "check below for info"
    Daily Events
    Unlimited PvPs 24/7
    Friendly Team

    No Custom items
    No corrupt donations
    Friendly GMs
    and much more!!!

    Play Free: https://www.l2cornelius.ml

    Skype: l2vitality-network
    Email: [email protected]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28715.0

