
Author Topic: L2JL2Ghost Interlude full custom pvp ONLINE NOW  (Read 1341 times)

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    L2Ghost Interlude full custom pvp ONLINE NOW
    « on: December 10, 2016, 09:38:14 AM »


    Safe: +5
    Max Armor: +25
    Max Weapon: +25
    Normal Enchant: 80% Chance
    Blessed Enchant: 100% Chance
    Special Enchant: 100% Chance
    With Special enchant you can go from 20 to +25. If the enchant fails, the item won't lose the previous enchant valor.
    No Grade Lifestone
    5% Chance
    Mid Grade Lifestone
    10% Chance
    High Grade Lifestone
    15% Chance
    Top Grade Lifestone
    20% Chance
    Max Augments per char: 1 active + 1 passive from lifestones

    Custom Items:
    Excess Armors
    Icarus Weapons
    32 Special Hats
    Moirai Armors
    Valakas Weapons
    Fighter Tattoo
    Eternal Armors
    Antharas Weapons
    Mage Tattoo

    Custom NPC
    Symbol Maker
    Custom Gatekeeper
    Donate Manager
    Subclass Changer
    Class Manager
    Wedding Manager
    Siege Manager
    Skill Enchanter
    Custom Shop
    Gm Shop
    Ranking Manager
    Noblesse Npc

    Special Features:
    New commands that you can use in-game.
    Pvp zone with nobless.
    Special npc's ( see above).
    Custom farm zones.
    Custom droplist on Raid Bosses.
    Main town: Giran.
    Special items ( see them in-game).
    Other & Custom Systems:
    New character start with 500kk adena
    Max Subclasses = 3
    All skills working
    Starting lvl 1
    Spawn protection: 30s
    Custom NPC in Clan Halls
    Buff time: 3 hours
    Max Buffs: 44+4
    Max P.atk Speed: 1500
    Max M.Atk Speed: 1999
    Olympiad: 18:00 - 00:00 GMT+2, every week hero
    Balanced Class (everyday update for perfect balance)
    Raid Bosses Jewels in Custom Shop )
    Pvp color system on Name & Tittle
    Custom Zones
    Custom pvp zone: Auto nobles, Auto Respawn
    Chance to drop on Karma: 10%
    Wedding System
    100% Castle Sieges
    Fully Reworked Retail Like Olympiad
    Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week
    Skills are reused after teleport on stadium,
    Players with same IP can not fight together,
    Teleport back to town right after match end,

    Custom Command System
    .menu - you can set from there trade/ chat/ exp gaining.
    .info - show you all our special commands.

    Official Website: Lineage II Ghost - Interlude PvP Server
    Official Forum: L2Ghost - Index
    Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/La2Ghost

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26827.0

