
Author Topic: [L2J] L2 Perseus JOIN THE FUN!!  (Read 1503 times)

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    [L2J] L2 Perseus JOIN THE FUN!!
    « on: May 20, 2016, 11:51:53 AM »
    Interlude custom server
    The patch can be found on our website


    Chronicle: Interlude
    Type: Custom PvP Server
    Start Time: 15.05.2016
    Global auto events
    Balanced classes
    DDoS protection, no lag
    Instant 80 and third class (subclasses too)
    42 buff slots

    Special Features

    # Unique start up System
    # Custom commands (.menu, .report, .online)
    # 1 fully reworked class with new skills
    ( Spectral Master)
    # Costumes (does not effect stats)
    # Custom Jewels
    # Custom Special Abilities
    # PvP zone with auto-flag and nobles
    # Votepanel to vote for what PvP zone you want in the next 2 hours
    # Special and unique NPC's
    # Special farm zones (low, mid, party/hard)
    # New and unique raidbosses with AI
    # Main town: Giran
    # Nobless status by killing Barakiel or buy Noble's Flask from Misc Shop
    # Unique weapon enchancements
    # Unique and diverse tattoo's
    # Infinite soulshots and arrows, no consumables needed (spirit ore, soul ore, etc)
    # Vote buff with 12h duration. It increases P.def, M.def and Run speed.
    # Sieges only for Giran and Aden. Crowns got special stats

    # Safe: +5
    # Max Armor: +25
    # Max Weapon: +25

    # Normal Scroll: 70%
    # Blessed Scroll: 90%
    # Ancient Scroll: Varies%

    From +20 to +25 you can enchant only using Ancient Scrolls and the chance is decreasing by each enchant!


    #Low Grade Lifestone:
    #Mid Grade Lifestone:
    #High Grade Lifestone:
    #Top Grade Lifestone:

    1 active + 1 passive <-from Lifestones
    Augment skills got lower stats so it won't make the gameplay unbalanced.
    Augmented Weapons can be traded!!!

    Auto Events
    # Team vs Team 
    # DeathMatch
    # Last Man Standing
    # Auto 1vs1
    # Capture the Flag
    # Auto 2vs2
    # Auto 5vs5
    # Auto Korean Style

    And much more...

    Custom NPC's
    # Change Password
    # Custom Gatekeeper
    # Event Npc
    # Subclass Manager
    # PvP Rankings
    # Wedding Manager
    # Siege Manager
    # Skill Enchanter
    # Augmenter
    # Custom Buffer
    # Warehouse
    # Donation Manager
    # Custom Shops
    # Bounty Hunter
    # Vote Manager
    # Symbol Maker
    # Monsters
    # Raid Bosses
    # Fashion Shop

    # Adena- Droppped by all monsters and Raid Bosses.
    # Bronze Coin- Dropped by monsters from Safe Zone, Medium zone and Hard zone.
    # Silver Coin- Dropped by monsters from Medium Zone, Hard Zone and Custom Raidbosses.
    # Not allowed Coin- Dropped by Raidbosses( higher rank boss= higher drop), and with low chance from Divine Retributer from Hard zone.
    # Purity trash server- Dropped by Raidbosses from Rank 2 and 3.
    # Angelic trash server- Dropped By Raidbosses from Rank 4 and 5.
    # Soulfire- Dropped by monsters from Pvp Zone, Hard zone and from Raid Bosses.
    # Crystal of Intellect- Dropped by Raidbosses. You need it to add Special Ability on weapon
    # Crystal of Wrath- Dropped by Raidbosses. You need it to add Special Ability on weapon
    # Crystal of Tranquility- Dropped by Raidbosses. You need it to add Special Ability on weapon
    # Donate Coins- Dropped by monsters from Pvp Zone (5% chance), and from all Raid Bosses (higher rank= higher drop rate)

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26014.0

