Best PvP Server Interlude x1200 ON 2000 Updated Olympiad Many interesting events OPEN OCTOBER 5
Start game
ExpSp x1200 Adena x500 in location KetraVarkaDino x1000
20 level at character creation profession is taken automatically for free
All characters in the creation receive the status of a Nooblese
Startup capital 25kk Adena Top DGrade equipment
No penalty on Grade equipment
Easily delete Alt click buffs
Chance Item Skill Mid 5 High 7 Top 10
Apella sets have stats Dark Crystal Robe Draconic Leather Imperial Crusader and 5 PDef и MDef
Actions buffs time 2 hours the number of slots for 40 buff comfortable profiles Buffer
When summoning is called a character buff will be automatically imposed on it unavailable at the Olympiad
skilljpg Noblesse Blessing BlockBuff and skill conversions AdenaEternal Coin
acpjpg Auto Combat Potion ACP automatic use of potions HP MP CP
Max level enchant armor and weapon 18
Chance enchant level 495 590 685 780 875 970 1065 1160 1255 1350 1445 1540 1635 1730 1825
tyrjpg Tyrannosaurus на Dino Island
Respawn time Tyrannosaurus on Dino 3 minutes
toplsjpg Сhance drop TopGrade Life Stone level 76 40 premium account 80
farmpng Main location KetraVarka
Chance spawm champion 5
eternalcoinjpg 100 Drop Eternal Coin with champion 1 Eternal Coin 200 kk Adena
goldbarjpg 10 Drop HighGrade Life Stone с with champion
eternaldayjpg Drop letters L2Day chance 5 gathering the word ETERNAL you can get it
bsoejpg Blessed Escape chance 100
bresjpg Blessed Resurrection chance 100
toplsjpg TopGrade Life Stone level 76 or codexjpg Giants Book chance 50
zakjpg Zakens Earring time of action 7 days chance 2
aqjpg Ring of Queen Ant time of action 7 days chance 2