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    Lineage 2 Forever x100 THIS WEEK LIVE!
    « on: October 24, 2012, 02:19:45 PM »

    Basic principle of the server "Lineage II Forever" is to bring back the good old times of Lineage II. If you are bored playing by the superfluous animations and destroyed gameplay, you will definitely enjoy this server.

    A lot of players are fed up with short-term PVP and MID rates servers. It is very difficult to establish a long-live server based on Interlude.
    Nowadays, there are many servers that are made from the latest Chronicles like Freya, High Five, Goddess of Destruction and automatically Interlude Throne fades away with it's boring gameplay.

    But we think different, so We decided to create a new MID rate unique server-based on Throne 0: Interlude

    Introducing the new project

    Line][Age - Throne of Destiny

    Hunting Grounds Changes
    Hot Springs - Deleted useless drop, added S Grade Jewels drop, recipes, parts - (Fixed rate).
    Varka Silenos Outpost - Deleted useless drop, added S Grade Armors recipes, parts (Sweeper Only), Top A Grade Armors/Weapons Drop included - (Fixed rate).
    Ketra Orc Outpost - Deleted useless drop, added S grade Weapons recipes, parts (Sweeper Only).
    Wall of Agros - Deleted useless drop, added A grade Low Armors, Jewels (Tallum, Dark Crystal, Phoenix), added Low A Grade Weapons - (Fixed rate).
    Stakato Nest - Deleted useless drop, added TOP Grade Mats (Mithril Alloy, Durable Metal Plate and Etc.).
    Imperial tomb - Deleted useless drop, added S grade Weapons recipes/parts drop - (Fixed rate).
    Forge Of Gods - Deleted useless drop, added S Grade Armors recipes/parts drop - (Fixed rate).
    Primeval Isle - Removed > [Ancient Egg, Sprignant], added Dark Crystal Robe Drop, Mid A Grade Jewels drop (Phantom, Cerberus), Low A Grade Weapons, added 12 Stage Crystals drop in Tyrannosaurus.
    Antharas Lair (recommended for party) - completely new area = monsters retail like, added drops depending on monsters level: Top A Grade Weapons, Armors, Jewels. S grade Armors, Weapons. 13 Stage Crystals, Blessed Scrolls - (Fixed rate).
    Monastery of Silence - Deleted useless drop, added Mid Grade Materials (drop), Top A Grade armors drop.

    Quest Changes
    Path Of A Noblesse is REMOVED - Added new system of becoming a noblesse!
    The Zero Hour is REMOVED - Top Grade Materials can be obtained in stakato nest.
    Gather The Flames is REMOVED - S Grade Weapons Recipes can be obtained in Ketra Orc Outpost / Imperial Tomb.
    Relics of the Old Empire is REMOVED - S Grade Weapons Recipes can be obtained in Ketra Orc Outpost / Imperial Tomb.
    Alliance With Ketra Orcs is REMOVED - S Grade Armor Recipes can be obtained in Varka Silenos Outpost.
    Alliance With The Varkas Silenos is REMOVED - S Grade Armors Recipes can be obtained in Varka Silenos Outpost.
    The Finest Food is REMOVED - S Grade Jewels Recipes can be obtained in Hot Springs Region.

    Raid Bosses
    Bloody Priest Rudelto - Increased level, boosted stats, added new drop list.
    Antharas Priest Cloe - Increased level, boosted stats, added new drop list.
    All Raid Bosses drop rate increased to 15%, removed useless drop.
    Added Clan Eggs.

    Epic Bosses
    Antharas spawn 72+4 Hours.
    Valakas 192+144 Hours.
    Baium 48+4 Hours.
    Zaken 40+4 Hours.
    Ant Queen 24+2 Hours.
    Orfen 20+4 Hours.
    Core 33+4 Hours.
    Frintezza 48+6 Hours.

    Server Rates
    Exp/SP: 100x
    Party Exp/SP: 2x
    Adena: 75x
    Item Drop: 50x
    Spoil: 25x
    Raid Drop: 10x
    Quest Drop: 20x
    Quest Reward/Adena: 10x
    Quest XP/SP: 10x

    Safe Enchant: +4
    Maximum Enchant: NO LIMIT (Retail Like)
    Enchant Rate: 66% (Retail Like)

    Server Protection Against
    Walker, Tower, PHX, Hlapex, L2Net, CP Reload and other cheats.

    Newbie System
    New players start with top D Grade equipment and gain 20 Lvl.

    Event Engine
    This server uses Phoenix Event engine which brings an awesome events with many nice features.
    Automatic events every 60 minutes.
    Current working automatic events:
    Team vs Team, Team vs Team (VIP), Deathmatch, Domination, Last Man Standing, Lucky Chests, Simon Says, Russian Roulette.

    Community Board
    There are re-designed and fully functional Community Board (ALT + B), which will provide extensive information on the server.

    PvP System
    Announce PvP/PK in chat.
    Unique Killing Spree system.
    Anti-Farm PvP from same IP.
    PvP Lord Engine.
    Everyday @ 00:00 the guy with the most PvP will become PvP Lord.
    PvP Lord have special effect.

    Voiced Commands
    .bank - You can deposit or withdraw Adena or Goldbar.
    .castlemanager - Show info about all castles.
    .getstats - Show your day stats.
    .menu - Personal Character Menu.
    .online - Show online players.
    .time - Show server time.
    .info - Show info about Operating System and Game.
    .whoami - Your character information.

    Clan system
    Level raising system has been changed to make game easier.
    Maximum number of clans in ally - 2.

    Olympiad Games
    Retail olympiad (teleports out of olympiad immediately after the fight).
    Olympiad Battles time - from 18:00 to 00:00.
    Olympiad Period - 1 week.

    Server NPC
    Professor - Class Manager.
    Seteh - Shop.
    Andromeda - Wedding Manager.
    Niuton - Achievements Manager.
    Annie - Market Manager.
    Elizabeth - Vote Manager.
    Joana - Event Manager.
    Holy Brazier - Scheme Buffer.
    Gatekeeper is in Community Board (ALT + B).

    Offline Trade
    Make Private Store [Buy/Sell] and logout.
    After Server Restart or Shutdown, all players in Offline mode will be auto logged.
    Max Days after no auto relog is 2 days.

    Other Info
    80 min bufftime (24+4 Buff slots).
    GM shop until B-Grade.
    Class changer (1st - free, 2nd - 500k, 3rd - 10kk).
    Free subclass.
    Champions enabled.
    Auto pickup / Auto learn skills.
    Unstuck 15 seconds.
    Wedding enabled.
    Spawn protection.
    No weight limit.
    Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles).
    Shift-click Mobs and view their Droplist.
    Antibot System.
    Last Visit Information System.
    Show Npc Level and Aggro.
    Removed Death Penalty.
    Augmentation System.

    Beautiful pets from higher chronicles.

    New Mounts
    New Strider from Gracia Final and the New Wyvern from Tera Online.

    PvP Skills System
    50 - Blessed Body (Increases maximum HP temporarily).
    100 - Fake Death (Makes PC play dead and dissuades the enemy from attacking).
    200 - Focus (Increases critical attack rate temporarily).
    300 - Empower (Increases M. Atk. temporarily).
    301 - Might (Increases P. Atk. temporarily).
    400 - Dash (Temporary burst of speed).
    600 - Resurrection (Resurrects a corpse).
    800 - Wind Walk (Increases Speed temporarily).
    950 - Return (Teleports caster to the nearest village).
    1100 - Chant of Victory (The spirit of an ancient hero temporarily possesses the target).

    Name/Title Color Changes
    50 - Player name color changed to blue.
    100 - Player name color chnaged to pink.
    200 - Player name color changed to green.
    300 - Player name color changed to yellow.
    400 - Player title color changed to pink, player name color changed to light blue.
    600 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name changed to purple.
    800 - Player name color changed to orange.
    950 - Player title color changed to red, player name changed to dark grey.
    1100 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name color changed to red.

    This is not all information about server!
    So stop read it and go play in our server!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=10011.0

