
Author Topic: GRACIA EPILOGUE X75! START TODAY!  (Read 1212 times)

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    « on: November 13, 2012, 01:37:00 AM »
    Grand Open 13 November! Gracia Epilogue With Rates: x75!

    Server With Mid Rates


     RateXp = 75
     RateSp = 75
     RateDropAdena = 75
     RateDropItems = 5
     RateDropSpoil = 30
     RateQuestsReward = 10
     RateDropEpaulette = 75
     RateQuestsDrop = 10
     RateHellbound = 11
     RateCastleFameReward = 125
     RateClanHallFameReward = 75
     RateFortressFameReward = 31
     Global Chat After 10 Level
     Trade Chat After 10 Level
    No Carrier System = 120 Sec after Restart or Logout You Will Stay Online

    Enchanting Rates:
     Safe +3 Maximum +16
     Simply Scroll 66%
     Blessed 75%
     EnchantAttributeChance = 50
     EnchantAttributeCrystalChance = 50

     Epic Bosses And 7Signs Quest
     Kamaloka and Paylaka
     Ship Board and Interlude Areas
     Clan Ship Board
     Monastery of Silence
     Forge of the Gods
     Fully Territory Wars
     Castle Sieges
     Clan and Clan Skills
     Fortress Sieges
     Full Gracia Final and Epilogue Skills
     Unique Geoengine
     And Much More In Game!


     StartingAdena = 1000000
     Unique Clan Halls
     Atributes Maximum Level 7
     Full Suport Alt+B
     Gm Shop Until A Grade
     Mana Potion Restore 300 Mp
     TvT Event
     Vote Reward System
     Teleporter With Save Point of Return
     .cfg Comant With customs account details
     Premium Account With Custom Rates and Bonus Enchant system +5%
     MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 100
     MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 120
     28 Buffs and 14 Dances and Songs
     Buff Time 1.59 Min
     LimitCP = 10000
     LimitHP = 25000
     LimitMP = 10000
     LimitPatk = 10000
     LimitMAtk = 50000
     LimitPDef = 10000
     LimitMDef = 10000
     LimitPatkSpd = 1500
     LimitMatkSpd = 1900
     LimitCriticalDamage = 2500
     LimitCritical = 500
     LimitMCritical = 15
     LimitAccuracy = 200
     LimitEvasion = 250
     LimitMove = 500
     LimitFame = 50000
     AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15
     AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0
     AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30
     AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40
     AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45
     AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70
     AugmentationTopSkillChance = 70
     AugmentationTopGlowChance = 80
     AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1
     AugmentationAccSkillChance = 70
     Maximum Level for Cruma = 56
     Atributes Allowed to PvP Items
     Olympiad Retail Like
     Champion Mobs x10 Rates[
     Online Reward. When you just stay online. every 1 hour u will take 1 Giant mastery Codex


     Service nick change
     Service name change pet
     Exchange service Improved baby pets
     Change sex Service
     Service color change nickname
     Service Increase Invertory Slots
     Service expansion of personal storage
     Service to lock your IP address
     Clan Services

     .password (changer)
     . cfg Various personal settings
     . lock Bind an account to an IP address
     . repair If your character can not enter the game (crashes with crit,
     or just boot up splash screen), use this command to other
     character with the same account. It will send your character in
     the nearest city, and move things in the warehouse. Also, you can always
     report for help to the Administration of the project
     . whoami Additional information about your character
     . km-all-to-me Encourage clan memebrs to the leader. The cost 200k adena.


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=10355.0
    « Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 01:39:14 AM by l2tromos »

