start today
.....:::: Rates ::::.....
*** XP: x25 ***
*** SP: x25 ***
*** Drop: x15 ***
*** Spoil: x20 ***
*** Adena: x30 ***
*** Quest Drop: x5 *** Not all q
*** Quest Reward: x5 Not all q***
*** Quest Exp/Sp Reward: x10 ***
*** Quest Adena Reward: x20 ***
*** Raid Boss drop: x5 ***
*** Grand Boss drop: x1 ***
*** Manor: x4 ***
*** Rate Fish: x5 ***
.....:::: NPCs ::::.....
*** Full NPC Buffer ***
*** [Community Board:] Alt+b :
*** Buffer + Scheme ***
.....:::: GM Shop ::::.....
*** [Community Board:] Alt+b
*** Up to A Weapons, Armors, Jewels ***
*** Shots ***
*** Enchant ***
*** Dyes ***
*** Consumable ***
*** Potions ***
*** Accessory ***
*** Life Stones ***
*** Crystal ***
*** Attribute ***
*** Quest/Clan ***
*** Cloaks ***
*** Pets ***
*** Agation ***
*** Bank ***
*** Shirts ***
*** Belts ***
*** Codex ***
*** Scroll ***
*** Talisman ***
*** Bracelet ***
*** Transform ***
.....:::: Mammons ::::.....
*** Custom Mammons which allow you to use every function that normal Mammons have.
.....:::: Class Master ::::.....
*** 1st class transfer - Cost: 100,000 Adena.
*** 2nd class transfer - Cost: 300,000 Adena.
*** 3rd class transfer - Cost: 3,000,000 Adena.
.....:::: Server Events & Olympiad ::::.....
*** Olympiad is 100% like official ***
.....:::: Auto Events: ::::....
*** Coffer of Shadows ***
*** April Fool's ***
*** TvT ***
*** CtF ***
*** Last Hero ***
*** TheFallHarvest ***
*** Glittering medal ***
*** L2-Day ***
*** Change of Heart ***
*** Tasks .gettask ***
*** Saving Snowman ***
*** March 8 ***
*** Trick Of Transmutation ***
*** GvG ***
*** PC Bang points system.
.....:::: Features ::::.....
*** Added Protection against Hacking tools ***
*** Prime Shop - official like ***
*** Vote Reward - Global
*** Pin Code - official like ***
*** Quest,Instances full 99% all created in java not py ***
*** All skills forumla are 99% L2Off ***
*** Offline system ***
*** Wedding system ***
*** Vip system ***
*** Premium Services ***
*** Item Auction ***
*** Fishing Championship ***
*** Shift + click system - you are allow to see mob drop/player stats ***
.....:::: Much more .... Join Today ! ::::.....