
Author Topic: Lineage ][ Asterios (interlude mid rate server 60x)  (Read 1536 times)

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    Lineage ][ Asterios (interlude mid rate server 60x)
    « on: March 01, 2013, 03:54:51 AM »
    Hello to everyone !!
    We are present new interlude mid rate server witch will open in 09.03.2013 18:00 GMT+2.
    Anyway the server was tested by Gm's/Dev team .

    So here are server informations.

    Site    http://l2asterios.tk/default.html

    Remember to use default.html at the end of site address otherwise our website address will not work.
                           ((   this is made for no scamers around with fake website  ))

    Forum    http://l2asterios.tk/forum/index.php

    Server Info

     * Rates *

     Xp: 60x
     Sp: 60x
     Adena drop 70x
     Party Xp: 2x
     Party Sp: 2x
     Spoil : 25x
     Drop: 20x
     Drop Raid boss 10x
     Drop Grand boss 1x
     Quest Reward 3x
     Quest Drop x10

     * Enchant *

     Safe Enchant: +3
     Max Enchant: +16
     Normal Scroll Enchant Chance: 55%
     Blessed Scroll Enchant Chance: 65%

     * General *
     Gm shop up to b-grade
     Auto vote reward system
     Npc buffer
     Global gatekeeper with port tower of insolence ( only 5th floor )
     Subclass free ( NO QUEST NEEDED )
     Caradine letter lvl 65 from gm shop with 500 MSS /5kk Ancient Adena/50kk Adena
     Buff slot 22+4
     Max subclass: 3
     2 Hours Buffs
     Auto TvT Event
     Auto CTF Event
     Auto DM Event
     Olympiad Period: Two Week

     * Grand Bosses *
     Grand Bosses spawn time list
     - Queen Ant 20 - 2
     - Core 24 - 2
     - Orfen 24 - 2
     - Zaken 40 - 4
     - Baium 72 - 8
     - Frintezza 48 - 2
     - Antharas 80 - 4
     - Valakas 80 - 4

     * Raid Bosses *
     Barakiel spawn time 20 - 2
     Ketra Bosses spawn time 8 - 2
     Varka Bosses spawn time 8 - 2
     The other raid bosses have retail spawn time

     * Server Machine *
     CPU: Intel Core i7 920
     RAM: 16 GB DDR3
     HD: 1TB
     TRAFFIC: 10TB
     UPLINK: 1 GBit (100 Mbps Upload Speed)

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12435.0

