
Author Topic: L2[OFF]Sod x35.Today Grand Opening.  (Read 1102 times)

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    L2[OFF]Sod x35.Today Grand Opening.
    « on: November 28, 2013, 02:32:29 PM »

    Server Information

    Exp: x35
    Sp: x35
    Adena: x15
    Party Xp: x1.5
    Party Sp: x1.5
    Drop Items: x15
    Spoil Items: x15
    Epic Raid's: x1
    Raid Items: x10
    Quest Drop: x5
    Quest Rewards: x5 (Not all Quest's)
    Drop Sealstones Rate: x1.5
    Manor Drop Rate: x1

    Clan System
    Working Clan System (Available Shop Item  Level 3/4/5).
    One clan is available to register for ClanHall when is Level 6 (Avoid Bot Clans).
    When a hero is nominated, his clan receives 1000 Reputation Points.
    When you kill a clan member for enemie clan receive +1 point per kill.
    When a member of the academy sucessfully completes the 2nd class transfer, the clan receives 400 Reputation Points.
    A clan can also obtain reputation points by killing level 70+RaidBosses.
    When the clan successfully kills Epic RaidBosses it will receive 1000 Reputation Points.

    Olympiad System

    Olympiad Period's 2 weeks from 20:00-02:00 GMT+1.
    You need at least 10 fights with 1 win to become a hero of your class.
    You will not be able to sing up in the olympiad games during Siege.
    Hero System and retail like Hero skills (Available for main class only).

    SubClasses/Nobless System

    Free SubClasses Available Sub's (3).
    Retail like Nobless System (Available Shop Items Hellfire oil & Lunaragents).
    Increased Barakiel Level to (80).
    Spawn time of Barakiel has been set to (6 Hours).
    L2 SoD Server Machine & Protection's\n

    Windows: Windows Server 2012 64Bit
    Ram: 64Gb
    Hard Disk Main: SSD 250Gb x2
    Hard Disk BackUp: SATA 1T X1
    Internet Connection: 1000Mbs
    CPU: Intel Core i7-3930 3.20Ghx x8
    DDos Protection: HyperFilter
    Client & Server Side Protection: Custom

    WebSite: http://l2sod.com/
    Forum: http://l2sod.com/forum/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/l2SoulOfDivinity
    Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epl4KumtF68

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=16133.0



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    • L2topzone.com
      Re: L2[OFF]Sod x35.Today Grand Opening.
      « Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 03:04:57 AM »
      Join now to the best server

