
Author Topic: L2server.info Gracia Final PvP x1000  (Read 2482 times)

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    L2server.info Gracia Final PvP x1000
    « on: November 12, 2010, 05:24:33 AM »
    L2Server PvP Rates

    Site: http://l2server.info

    RateXp= 1000

    RateSp= 1000

    RateDropAdena= 1400

    RateRaidDropItems= 1

    Safe Enchant: +3

    Max Enchant: +25

    Auto-Learn all Skills,Autolearn SubClass

    Balanced Classes

    Wedding System,Clan Hall System,Farm / PvP Areas

    Castle Siege Every Weekend

    Noblesse Quest or Buy in Gm shop


    Luxory Gatekeeper,Npc buffer,GMShop ( selling everything you need )

    Contains all the necessary attributes Gracia Final - all armor sets and weapons, augmentation, attribute, Hell Bound 11 levels, flying ships, transformation, Agathion, all pets, decorating, working forts, correct operation and sharpening of skills,and much More.

    Installed the latest version of software for protection against cheats and bots.
    Experienced players may be interested in the technical characteristics of server.

    Our server is located in one of the leading Internet sites in Germany and is designed for the simultaneous arrival more than 3000 people without lags in sieges and other large-scale battles.

    Xeon ® E74204 × 146 GB SAS 15 krpm. 24 GB RAM, Internet Channel: 1Gbit.

    Server rent paid for the year ahead, and we plan to contract extension with the constant expansion of the technical base for years to come, even if unprofitable projects (financial assistance is encouraged slot values).

    Only one server (or any x1 x10 x55 etc. !!!): all the resources of the machine designed to ensure maximum stability of the server.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=1842.0

