The pingback system is to make sure a user has been voted.
The user votes at (example) and once the l2topzone server processed the vote calls our server (example) and we need to check that vote and give the reward. The postback url should be something to add in our server profile at
An example for us could be:
// A simple example postback script
$authorized = ""; // L2TopZone IP (is not the real one)
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $authorized) {
// Incorrect IP
// This variable is what you send to our server (postback?=USER)
$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postback']);
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "db")
or die("Connect error: " . mysqli_error($link));;
// Give the reward to the user
mysqli_query("UPDATE rewards SET reward = reward + 100 WHERE userid = $user")
or die("Query error: " . mysqli_error($link));
Another thing is the ip check. Our server calls an url like (example) and could show TRUE or FALSE if that IP voted today.
If I could decide what implement first, I would like to have the ip check first. That way I could know if an IP voted or not.
I hope you like this and implement it on l2topzone soon.
Best regards.