
Author Topic: WTS [WTS] L2jIsis , Interlude project for mid rates  (Read 2001 times)

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    [WTS] L2jIsis , Interlude project for mid rates
    « on: August 04, 2015, 03:25:22 AM »
    Hello , i am Kelrzhel and known owner of L2Sintra project

    What our project includes?

    Working Grandbosses, we cannot say retail like but fully functional
    Retail like Subclass quest, not custom than most of the projects include
    Configurable Nobless quest for solo/clan players
    Retail like ALT +G Window and implementation of most commands from L2OFF platform
    Sailren Quests working as they should (No custom way to instantly kill sailren)
    L2OFF respawn locations
    Monster Droplists , touching almost the retail taste (still work to do + tracking infos)
    Sieges are functional but not retail like , we still have to fix bridges effects

    Customization, i can code whatever customization you want starting from java modifications and stopping to NPCs.

    You can test the files by pming me on skype: Kelrzhel

    Note: this files are used to my own server, you can test whatever you like and better help us to make it even better

    Price is depended on users pocket, we know the situation especially in Greece so don't worry we will try to be serious on our prices, besides it is java.

    Skype: kelrzhel
    We accept only paypal.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24110.0
    « Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 04:20:37 PM by GraetMaestro »

