
Author Topic: L2 Tyche Live  (Read 1739 times)

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    L2 Tyche Live
    « on: March 15, 2011, 07:11:52 PM »
    General Rates
    º Exp x7
    º Sp x7
    º Exp Party x1.25
    º Sp Party x1.25
    º Adena x7
    º Karma Reduction x1
    º Vitality Reduction retail

    Item Rates
    º Drop Chance x7
    º Drop Quantity x1
    º Spoil x10
    º Quest Item Rewards x1
    º Quest Item Drop Chance x2

    º AutoPickup
    º Retail drop system
    º Shift+click mobs for details.
    º Increased inventory, sell/buy shop, dwarven craft, and register recipe book.

    º The server is a east coast USA based server (-5gmt) but there is no IP restriction. All players are welcome.

    º Presently employing 3 full time adult GM's. Our GM's are in constant VOIP contact with each other, are very trustworthy, and each has the ability to fully control the server. Any issues, either technical or social can be solved by a GM.  Our GM's are professionals with a complete background in L2 since C2, as well as programming and database. Player requests are taken VERY seriously and are handled with the upmost priority. Our server is run on a professional level, players are treated with respect, and we hope you will treat our GM's as such.

    º The server owner pays out of pocket for the costs to maintain the server, so charitable donations are accepted.  There is a reward system in place for players that donate, so they may trade for items with an NPC. The GM's have worked diligently to ensure that the donation system does not overpower or upset the natural economy of the game. The natural economy of L2 TYCHE is our priority and items can be added or removed to NPC shops to ensure this balance. Any missing or broken items in game will be added to shops to ensure players can take advantage of the items availible in retail.

    Dualbox and Boxes
    º Dualbox is allowed. 7 clients per PC.

    º Only alpha-numeric characters are permitted.
    º Every symbol are reservated for GMs.

    º PvP and PK is part of the game in Lineage 2. We do not get involved in player disputes as we consider it part of the natural process of an RPG. However, griefing in a newbie zone is not permitted. At this time we will use our disgression on what we consider to be abuse and hand out punishments appropriately. Level 40+ chars do not belong in talking island etc., dominating a newbie. In this case you may find yourself jailed .... or turned into an elpie! :)

    º All buffs/dances/songs last 20 mins.
    º 24+4 buffs slots & 12 dance song slots.
    º Additional dances/songs DOES NOT use extra MP.

    º Sell, buy and craft predefined zones: Violators may face jail time.
    º Offline shops are permitted. Remmember only 7 clients per IP. Maximize your time with us ON or OFFLINE.

    Special Protections
    º Flood protection: A slight delay has been added to NPC clicks to avoid crashing/lagging the server.

    º command /unstuck reduced to 20 seconds. No need for SOE.

    Class Changes
    º All 1st/2nd/3rd class changes are free! No quest required. Visit the NPC in town.

    º Automated TvT event every 2 hours with event medal as the reward for winning team.

    Event Manager
    º TvT run every 2 hours.

    Peace Zones
    º Guards protect players in town by attacking mobs.

    º Players can get married. Even to same sex :P

    º 1 million per ticket. Prize structure 100kk guarenteed. Match 2 numbers and still recieve a payout.

    Please visit us at:

    This server went live on March 13, of 2011.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2681.0

