
Author Topic: L2Jnew server 100x retail  (Read 1015 times)

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OfflineJuninho Rosa

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    new server 100x retail
    « on: September 05, 2017, 07:24:40 PM »
    King Of War - Interlude Private Server 100x - No Custom

    King Of War 100x Server Features

    *Global Gatekeeper!
    *Vip system
    *Geodata and Pathnodes 100%
    *Offline Shop
    *Auto Learn Skills
    *Auto Loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops)
    *GM-shop till weapon D C B A S grade/ armor D C B A S grade and jewel D C B A S grade!
    *All itens for Farm
    *Noblesse Quest - Hell fire ore and Lunargent in npc for adenas and farm itens
    *Full working all Raid / Grand Boss (Zaken, Frintezza, Sepulchers, etc.)
    *Augmentation Not function!
    *All boss Retail Spawn time
    *Useful Server commands:.tvtjoin .menu .info
    *Basic things for all King Of War Server
    *Full working skill and quests, on the global balance
    *Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege
    *Subclass itens sell for farm itens and adena


    *Experience (EXP/SP): 100x
    *Adena: 100x
    *Party Exp: 2.50x
    *Drop Items: 50x
    *Drop SealStones rate: x2
    *Spoil Items: 50x
    *Quest: 15x Not for all
    *Drop Manor rate: x1
    *Raid Boss: 100%
    *Grand Boss: 100%

    *Safe +3
    *Max Weapon: +16
    *Max Armor/Jewels: +10
    *Simple Enchant Rates: 65%
    *Blessed Enchant Rates: 85%
    Boss Jewels

    *Retail Drop.
    *Not sell for donation or gm-shop

    Grand Olympiad

    *New periods on each 15 days.
    *Olympiad Time 18:00 ~ 23:59 gmt -3 every day.
    *Allows to register only 1 character by computer.
    *Enchant limit for olympiad +6


    *Farm party Chaotic Zone.
    *All new players spawn in town of Giran!
    *All players start from 21 LvL with some adenas and equipment!
    *Vip system


    *Npc buffer (1h buff time) 20+4 Buff slot
    *Scheme buffer
    *Aiosystem 2h + special buff


    *GM Event

    King Of War - Interlude Private Server 100x - No Custom

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27653.0

