
Author Topic: L2-Genesis Rebirth  (Read 2115 times)

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    L2-Genesis Rebirth
    « on: June 16, 2011, 05:23:15 PM »
    Dedicated to bring some life on the pvp related site. Inspirated with much imagination and creativity. Yes we will be back. L2-Genesis.


    Exp/Sp/ will be x1000 rates easier than retail
    Drop/Adena will be 1 ( only the custom mobs will drop adenas and the prices on the market are low)
    Safe +7
    Max +25
    Rate of normal scrolls is 80 and will get descreasing after +16 enchant bu -5% of each enchant
    Rate of blessed is 90 and if the enchantment fail from +10 and above the weapon will get back to +10
    Rate of crystal is 75 and if the enchantment fail they will go back to 0
    Tier 1 armor Titanium
    Tier 2 armor Dread
    Tier 3 armor Pride
    Tier 4 armor Genesis

    Tier 1 weapon Unique
    Tier 2 weapon Pride
    Tier 3 weapon Relic/Legendary

    Accesories (Every accesory that exist on the Mysterious merchant gives bonuses on PvP)
    Olympiad Mode: You will get acces to olympiad without customs and having only accesories
    Custom Gameplay: Some class got skills for support. Also all classes got hp+ cp boost
    PvP Color Name and Skill reward:
    100: Blue name
    200: Violet name
    1000: Yellow name
    6500: Grey Name
    13000: Red name

    100 +800 Cp boost
    200 Firework Skill
    500 Large Firework Skill
    1000 Masters blessed the body that increases hp to +500
    2000 ressurection Skill
    6500 Mass ressurection Skill
    13000 Masters COV that increases +300 CP/HP +100 P.Atk/P.Def/C.spd/Atk.Spd/M.def
    All augmented weapons can be tradeable
    You can press shift + click to view Droplist of a Boss/Monster
    Custom Zones for Farm / PvP /Trainers Area (Including town pvp arena)
    Ctf/Dm/TvT Events
    All characters got relax skill that restores all your effects during its use (HP/CP/MP)
    Mana pots increasing +500 mp and got 10sec reuse delay
    Armor Penalty and weapon penalty


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3288.0

