* Xp = 15x
* Sp = 15x
* Adena = 15x
* PartyXp = 2
* PartySp = 2
* ConsumableCost = 1
* DropItems = 15x
* RaidDropItems = 15x, no raid curse! (Epic jewelery x1/x2, epics have raidcurse enabled)
* DropSpoil = 15x, "Blue" mob drop/spoil enabled
* DropManor = 5
* ExtractFish = 5
* KarmaExpLost = 1
* HellBoundPoints = 15x
* QuestDrop = 5
* QuestRewardXP = 5
* QuestRewardSP = 5
* QuestRewardAdena = 5
* AdenaClassQuestReward = 5
* QuestReward = 5
* Raidbosses have 1h Spawn Time.
* Free Class Change, Nobless and Subclass without quest!
* Professional Bot Protection (You need OUR UPDATER to login)
* professional Geodata, newest Freya version - fully supporting all new zones
* Hellbound fully working, 15x trust rate
* All Epiloque zones working
* Seed of Annihilation working
* Plains of Lizardmen fully functional, MOS, Stakato Nest, Sel Mahum
* Old style raids, tank + mages possible, lower raid chaos time for more fun!
* Retail-like Vitality system
* Fully web-integrated game/forum account and vote system
* First class high capacity machine, connection and service by
Core i7 920 QuadCore
12GB Ram
2x 750GB HDD Raid 1
Unlimited traffic