L2Java (5000x)
This is our first server.
Server type: PVP (High rates)
Opened on: 01.12.2008
Rates: 5000x 5000x 50x 10000x
Enchant probability: 85%
Maximum + amount: 35
Fully operational retail-style Olympiad.
GmShop, Buffer
The buffs last 9 hours
Nobless status granted upon log-on.
No additional quests (profession, sub, etc.)
TVT - 3 teams fight each other in a life-and-death battle.
Chaos - Everyone who wants to can gain certain powers for a certain period,
but a curse follows - they are cursed! And become enemies...
FOS - Two teams are gathered. One must defend and the other - seize the fortification.
After a fortress is seized, it has to be defended.
Invasion - Weird monsters start attacking the territory. The locals have
to be defended and the reward is honour and plunder from the monsters.
Additional novelties
Voice command: .paint - You can easily draw from Adens using the mouse.
(We have not forgotten the artistic souls
Modified champion monster system. When dying, the champion monster gains
experience. As it revives, it becomes increasingly stronger, until it reaches level 20
and then the boss is summoned!
To represent the player's skills and professionalism, the PVP and PK points are displayed in the titles
and the colour of the nick depends on the amount of PVP.
It is only superficial information about the server. We attempted to give it in short, so that there was more time left for the game
server web here
http://l2java.com/pvp/9595J740Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4555.0