
Author Topic: L2 - Enyaserver.com - Interlude x75  (Read 2555 times)

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    L2 - Enyaserver.com - Interlude x75
    « on: November 27, 2011, 08:05:38 PM »
    Launched 26/11/2011 - Visit http://www.enyaserver.com

    Enya is an x75 mid rate interlude server. Our philosophy is to create an interesting server without the need of a year's farming. Adena drops are x75 and all prices have been adjusted to this drop rate. By 26 you have enough adena to buy top D. By 41 you can buy top C, by 53 B, by 62 A and by 78 S.

    Enchant System

    Safe until +4. After +4, chance to succeed is 65%. For every enchant the possibility is -5%. Which means that by +10 e.g. the enchant possibility for +11 is 65 - 6 * 5 = 25%.

    There are 3 types of scrolls :

    Simple scrolls : Enchant your item by 1. If chances are against you your item will break and give you crystals
    Blessed Scrolls : Enchant your item by 3 until +13 (for greater enchant +1). If you are unlucky your item will not break but your enchant will go -1.
    Crystals Scrolls : Enchant your item by 3 until +13 (for greater enchant +1). If you are unlucky again your item will not break and will maintain it's enchant.

    If you item's enchant is let's say +15 and you use a crystal or blessed scroll to enchant it and succeeds, your item will be enchanted to +16. After the enchant of +16, the enchant increases by 1 no matter which scroll you use. Maximum is +18.

    Cybellin Buffer

    This unique piece of coding is your buffer. In the main buffer dialog you will notice a lot of choices. Buff groups, buff save, buff restore, target, price, discount. Well,

    You select which buffs you want by selecting the appropriate group
    Save my buffs : Saves your current buffs
    Restore my buffs : Restores the buffs you saved in the previous step

    Well that's all ? No no no no no...... This buffer has seperate "memory" for each subclass. Which means that every time you change subclass the buffer will restore the appropriate buffs ( the ones you have selected and saved for this particular subclass).

    Is that all your buffer can do ? Again, no no no no no.

    Target button :
    My character - With this option enabled the buffer will buff your character
    My Pet - With this option enabled the buffer will buff your pet

    Let's say you are a soultaker and you have summoned Reanimated man. Click on target button. The option changes to "My Pet". Every buff you select goes to your pet. After you've finished click save my buffs and the buffer will save your summon's buffs.
    Also the buffer can remember seperate buffs for EACH summon/pet you have. Keep in mind that if you buff and save your item pet's (e.g wolf) buffs, if you let your pet decay it's buffs will be deleted from buffer's memory too.

    Also the buffer offers discounts :

    By recommends :
    50 recs = 10%
    100 recs = 20%
    150 recs = 30%
    200 recs = 40%

    By level :
    1 - 20 = 98%
    21 - 39 = 90%
    40 - 51 = 85%
    52 - 60 = 78%
    61 - 66 = 55%
    67 - 70 = 35%
    71 - 75 = 15%

    By Clan :
    If you are a member of a clan that owns a castle = 50%
    If you are a leader of a clan that owns a castle = 60%

    Discount applies with the following priorities : 1) Level Discount, 2) Clan Discount, 3) Rec discount

    Auction House :

    In the auction house you can leave your items to be sold. In order to sell an item in the auction house your level must be greater than 40. If you wish to buy an item there is no level restriction.

    By the time you leave an item to the auction house 2% of the desired sell price is deducted from your inventory. Your item will appear after 30 - 70 minutes, but you can withdraw it after 5 minutes if you wish too. Your item will appear in the auction house list for maximum 30 days. If it's not sold within 30 days the auction house does not show it in it's item list, but you can withdraw it.

    After your item has been sold, if you are online the auction house will let you know that it's sold one of your items. You can go to the first auction house npc and collect your money. 3% of your money will be given to the castle lords. 2% in the sell step + 3% equals 5% total.

    Castle lords

    Server will announce every lord's login.
    His name will become orange.

    Clan leaders

    If their clan has more than 10 online members his name will become green.


    No quest is needed. For every subclass change you will be charged with 1.000.000 adena.

    Tattoo of Absolute

    Gives you +120hp. For every enchant increases +3pdef, +3mdef and +15hp.

    Custom Armors
    Destruction Armors and weapons. Already added to the server. Will be available by 20/01/2012.

    Visit http://www.enyaserver.com

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4994.0

