Have you borded the retail like shits?Do you need more customs in your Lienage experiance?Then come to us.L2Goal is the right place for you.
Where the pvp is set on its max.
Client: CT2.3 (Gracia Final)
Type: Custom PvP server
Rates: High rates
Starting Level: 80
Max Level: 95 (after 85 leveling up will be gained extemenly hard)
Experience: x5000
Skill Points: x5000
Rate Party Experience: x2
Rate Party Spell Point: x2
Drop Rate: x1
Spoil: x1
Adena: x5000
Safe Enchant: 7
Max Enchant: 25
Enchant Rate Weapon: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)
Enchant Rate Armor: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)
Enchant Rate Jew: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)
Item Store: Up to S grade items, Consumables, Potions & more.
Begginer,Amateour,Professional: Up to S84 items , Armors, Weapons, Accessories & more.(+ custom armors)
Npc Buffer: All buffs, Scheme Buffer.(custom one)
Class Master: Free Class upgrade.
Gatekeeper: Free Teleport.
Casino npcExtra NPC: Extra Custom Items
Armors: (Tier 1: Dynasty) (Tier 1.5:Vesper) (Tier 2: Disaster,celestial armor [customs]) (Tier 3: L2Goal Epic Armor)
Weapons: (Tier 1: Dynasty) (Tier 1.5:icarus) (Tier 3: Epic)
Accessories: Up to 30 Accessories with unique stats.
Tattoos: Custom Tattoos with special stats.
Cloaks: More than 9 custom cloaks
Upon entering olympiad you will be able to use only the special olympiader's stuff which you cannot enchant.
You cannot receive olympiad points by same IP.
Your race will be changed example given from Elf to Orc.
Your name will be Olympiader and you will not be able to chat in normal chat or on friend list's chat.
Also you will not be able to use any PvP Skills or Forgoten Book-Scrolls skills and some high damage skills like "Frenzy" will be disabled. Finally the olympiad's duration will be 2 hours a day and will last for 2 weeks till the new heroes will be selected.
Heroes will have expect the retail like hero skills NEW CUSTOM hero skills
Our custom buff slot will be for both mage and fighters 26 and 16 for dances/songs.
Siegies every 2 weeks.
4 siegieable castles
Siegie rewards for the winners are enabled
L2Goal will run the well known "Nexus Event Engine" with more than 24 custom events.Here is a small list of the events that engine can run,just to take a view
Caravan Fights
Town Rush
Instance Event
Party vs Party
Team vs Team (3 Teams)
Team vs Team (2 Teams)
Auto Capture The Flag
Russian Roulette
Auto Zombies
Auto Mutant
Simon Says
Mini TvT
Lucky Chests
Last Man Standing
1 vs 1
And for the lovers of poker we will have a poker manager to play piker with the npc.
Race wars
Relegion wars
Unique CUSTOM community board
With your pvps your color name % tiltle gonna change.Moreover it will be a list of pvp skills that are going tto be added on your char related to your pvps.
No Noblesse Quest, you can be noblesse killing the raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel.
Here at L2Goal we have created custom skills for all type of characters.Moreover we have made some extra custom skills to the less playable chars like Healers/prophets etc cause at L2Goal every class will have its own power.We did not added other classes skills.We have created our own for the start.More fun in the pvps.
And some of our BRAND new CUSTOM skills
= Recharch of King
= Hard Element
= Restoration of Dwarf
= Dwarf the Fearful
= Dance of Co
= Soulf of Elf
= Song of revolution
= Song Of Magic
= Song of Co
= Revenge of Dwarf
Atm server is not opened yet.We are planning to be opened at 31th Junuary but we will announce a beta before the grand opening
Stay tuned.The best are cooming.