my name is ali, 18 old i live in egypt.I can speak tow languages
English and Arbic ..
I've been GM/EGM
What I'm Looking for:
-Serious project !
What I can do for server:
-Help players out of their problem
-Finding buggs and report
-Giving events
Why should you chose me:
-I'm a experienced GM
-I'm not like the onther GM's which helping them friends and give them items' and etc
-If you lookin for a guy to not worry about , here I'm
-If you lookin for a guy that will work as hard as he can ? here I'm
What I expect from you:
-Experience community and staf.
-A team that takes the server seriously
[email protected] *
Skype: Pwnerx1
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6702.0