
Author Topic: L2Devotion High Five Retail + PvP [Comming Soon]  (Read 1790 times)

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    L2Devotion High Five Retail + PvP [Comming Soon]
    « on: March 11, 2012, 05:28:32 PM »
    Im glad to announce the Offline Promotional Phase of L2Devotion

    L2Devotion is a server made by players dedicated to players !!!!!
    We all played lineage2 some of us more some other less , we all wanted to find a server to call it HOME . Thats where L2Devotion comes !!! A server to call HOME , we will try to provide the best gaming expirience we could do !!!In the phase we are at this moment we are inviting you all to join our forums and get to know with the team and players of the server , suggest us what you want or what we dont have ! became a part of this server ,we dont want to provide a cool server but a HOME server . For you all . So i will provide some info about the server . and for more Join us at our forums .
    Also website and forum themes are temporary we will update them soon .

    HomePage : http://l2devotion.com/
    Forum : http://l2devotion.com/forum

    Some Server Features :

    Full High Five Retail Gaming
    Server Features
    Subclass without Quest
    Subclass maxLvL 85
    Auto Learn Skills
    Max Clan per ally 4
    Increased Fame rate from academy to sieges
    Buff limit 24 Buffs + 16 Dances / Songs
    Transformation Q without doing the Q
    Bidding System Official like Enabled
    fishing Championship Enabled
    #FishChampionshipReward 1 = 2000000 Adena
    #FishChampionshipReward 2 = 1000000 Adena
    #FishChampionshipReward 3 = 700000  Adena
    #FishChampionshipReward 4 = 400000  Adena
    #FishChampionshipReward 5 = 300000  Adena
    Handy Block Checker Enabled
    Pc Bang Points Retail like (and Pc Bang Event Shop)
    Shout Channel is GLOBAL
    Enchanted Community board with unlimited features
    #Sell / Trade / Buy located on board with every detail and every town zone
    #Scheme Buffer
    #Global Teleporter
    #L2Wikipedia (Under Maintenance)
    #Server Informer
    #Server TopLists
    All Epic Raidbosses updated 100%
    All instanced Dungeon Works 100%
    Lots of Events Retail like like
    -Coffer of Shadow
    -Trick or Transmutation
    -Pc Bang
    -Valentines Event
    -Semptember 12
    -April Fool's
    -Master of Enchanting
    -The Fall Harvest
    -Halloween Event
    -Saving Santa
    -Glittering medal
    -March 8
    -Bountry Hunter (.gettask)
    -Capture The Flag
    -Last Hero
    -Team vs Team
    -Group vs Group
    -Town War
    and much more events
    Fight Club Unique System
    No Character Limits
    -Every single server limits the character status , then why did the developers made the character reach more than this ? We have the phillosophy that character should have NO limit ,
    get your character stats to maximum capacity and have fun owning !
    Unique Balanced Multipliers and complicated system to balace the classes
    Olympiad Full High Five Retail with all oly quests working
    New High Five Olympiad Stadiums
    StartingAdena = 100000
    MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 120
    MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 150
    MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 300
    MaximumSlotsForQuests = 100
    BaseWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 120
    BaseWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 150
    MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 250
    EnchantChance = 75
    EnchantChanceArmor = 80
    EnchantChanceAccessory = 80
    # Crystal scrolls may have another chance
    EnchantChanceCrystal = 70
    EnchantChanceCrystalArmor = 75
    EnchantChanceCrystalAccessory = 75
    # Drop sharpening Bless the point
    EnchantChanceBless = 68
    EnchantChanceArmorBless = 52
    EnchantChanceAccessoryBless = 54

    Some server screenshots !

    Character Security System

    More info on our forums !!!!
    I hope to see you all there.

    L2Devotion Team

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6840.0

