http://www.l2rapstyle.inhttp://www.l2rapstyle.inServer is new! no wipe - no lag - no bugs - no DOWN!
Easy farm!
* Experience: 1000
* Spexperience: 1000
* Party Experience: 1000
* Party Spexperience: 1000
* Adena: 1000
* Consumable Cost: 1
* Drop Item Karma: 0
* Drop Spam is not allowed Stones: 1
* Drop Spoil: 1
* Safe : 5
* Max For Weapon : 25
* Max For Armor : 20
* Max For Jewels : 20
* Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 75%
* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 100%
Weapons Demonic , Armoor Apella
Costum: Bless , Bog Of Giant , LifeStone , RaidBoss
To Kill RaidBoss need to buy quest to Gm Shop!