
Author Topic: [L2DC-H5] L2 Eden Evolution 15x [ Server Start 10 April]  (Read 1665 times)

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    L2EdeN Evolution
    Lineage II: High Five part 5

    Hi everybody!

    Today March 31st, 2012 we will open the Public Test Server of the new Evolution server. You'll find more datails on this server here.

    We are preparing the last things and we are thinking to open at 17:00 CET
    All features should be fine, just the Prime Shop is not working at the moment, it will be operative for the opening.

    Thanks a lot and have a great gaming experience on our servers.

    contact: [email protected]

    L2Eden is a free Lineage II gaming service running Java based files developed by the Lineage II Dragon Claw team (L2DC).
    We hosts a mid rate (15x) PvE/PvP systems running the High Five chronicle. It is hosted in Germany but the server has an international community.

    XP/SP: 15x
    Drop/Spoil: 10x
    Adena: 12x
    Quest Item Drop: 6x
    Manor: 5x
    Pet XP: 1x
    Raid Boss Drop: 5x
    Raid Boss Jewels: 1x
    Unstackable Drop/Spoil: Max 2 items at a time
    Common Items: 1x
    Fishing: 1x
    Hellbound Trust Point: 5x

    Quest Reward Rates:

    Repeatable Quests Adena/Items/XP/SP: 1x Adena / 1x Items / 1x XP / 1x SP
    One Time Quests Adena/Items/XP/SP: 2x Adena / 2.5x Items / 5x XP / 5x SP

    Safe Enchant: Weapons +3 / Armor & Jewelry: +3
    Max Enchant: unlimited
    Enchant System: retail-like: higher enchants are more difficult
    No Item Donations
    First, Second, Third class change quests: can be done talking with an NPC
    Subclass quest: not needed
    Nobless Quests: must be completed
    Auto Learn Skill: up to level 75
    Special quests to get D and C equipment for free
    Vitality System retail like
    Nevit Blessing retail like
    Retail Buff Times
    No GM Shop
    No NPC Buffer

    Lineage II: High Five part 5
    L2 Dragon Claw (L2DC) Server Files
    Full Anti-Bot Protection
    Anti-DDOS Protection
    Dual Boxing Allowed (Max 2 connection at the same time)
    Full Geodata & Dynamic Pathfinding (Completely recoded)
    Olympiad Anti-Feed System
    All Chats, items, enchants and GM functions are logged
    Weapon and Jewels Augmentation
    Seven Signs
    All 12 Epic quests
    Castle Sieges
    Fortress Sieges
    Master Craft
    All Kamalokas
    All Pailakas
    Territory Wars
    Rim Pailakas (Fortress/Castle Instances)
    Level 80+ Zones (Mithril Mines, Den of Evil, Crypt of Disgrace, Giants Cave & Field of Whispers, Sel Mahum and more)
    All skills working with retail formulas
    All mobs have working retail drop lists (Including Raid Bosses)
    Pet Evolve System
    Enhanced Baby Pets with working Buffs
    Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon spawn location announced in auto
    Hellbound working up to level 11 (starting from level 1)
    Territorial Wars starts thursday (instead of saturday) from 8.00 to 10.00 PM (GMT+1)
    Offline Shop / Offline Craft


    OFFLINE SHOP/CRAFT RESTORATION means that if you have an offline shop set and the server does a reboot or shutdown your store is saved and then automatically placed online again after the restart. No more need to reset your offline shops after a reboot.

    PVP POINTS means that you can give a reward for PvP kill. If you kill another player that is currently involved in an approved* war with you, and has max 5 level of difference, you get 2 points that you can use later to purchase what you wants from our Prime Shop: special potions, fashion items, special pets, agathions and more are available for points.

    * An approved war is a war declared and accepted that has received the STAFF APPROVED status. You can require the approval and check the current status on the war status web page.

    Grand Wedding Ceremony
    GRAND WEDDING is a brand new in game feature that is unlike the old Wedding System. Unlike the old wedding system this one takes it to completely new heights as it goes beyond the normal “Go to the NPC; pay the fee and your married.” Instead you are treated to a complete wedding ceremony, complete with honor guard, NPC guests and the option to have normal players sign up as guests. If you meet the necessary requirements you and your guests are teleported to Fantasy Island. But the best feature is the built in panning-camera “cut-scene” system similar to when one of the Epic Bosses awakens that is used in between scenes. The bride and groom have to interact with the Grand Wedding Priest when he asks them the “Do you..” question, then when it is over you are each presented with a special gift compliments of the L2EdeN team.

    Champion Mobs
    Every 20 enemy spawns, there is a chance that a Champion appears.
    You can easily recognize the champions, so be prepared: they are 8 time stronger then the normal ones, but they give more exp, more drops, more glory.

    Battle Arena
    Automated Team vs Team event every 30 minutes:
    - Last Man Standing
    - Capture the Flag
    - Deathmatch
    Ranking and statistics available on our web in a dedicated section. We will provide a weekly PvP Points reward for the top ranks and other rewards for participants.

    We are planning to enhance the Battle Arena with the new totally instanced engine as soon as possible.

    Intel® Core™ i7-2600 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology
    RAM: 36 GB DDR3 RAM
    hard discs: 2 x 3000 GB SATA6 HDD
    NIC: 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit
    Unlimited Traffic
    100 MBit Bandwidth
    O.S. Linux 64bit

    SERVER START April 10th, 2012 19:00 GMT+1

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7220.0

