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    L2Newclassic x3000 [Interlude]
    « on: May 01, 2012, 08:44:33 AM »
    L2NewClassic Features


    XP Rate: 3000 x
    Adena: 3000 x
    Max Enchant +18
    Safe Enchant +3
    Normall Enchant: 75%
    Blessed Enchant: 100 %
    Top LS agumentation chance: 15% (use agument by double click)

    Server Protections

    L2 Wallker Protection
    All flood protections
    Spawn Protection = 30sec
    Antifeed Olympiad Protection
    Events Protection
    PvP farming Protection
    Dualbox Protection
    Buff delay protection
    DDoS ProtectionOther & Custom Systems:

    Custom Clan Halls!
    No Custom Items!
    Buff time: 2 hours
    Olympiad: 18:00 - 00:00 +1GMT, every week hero (Full OFFICIAL)
    Armor type penalty (if player dont have armor mastery for armor have penalty)
    Fights messages ex. "You have killed XYZ 5 times."
    Max 31 players in one clan, max 2 clan in one ally
    Balanced Class (everyday update for perfect balance)
    Respawn Raid Bosses (24h - Valakas, Baium & 12h - Core, Orfen, Frintezza, Zaken, Queen Ant)
    Pvp/PK rewards
    All subclasses in one npc
    All skills enchant in one npc
    Announce castle lord login
    Pvp/PK color system
    Offline Store
    Custom Zones
    Wedding, Fishing Systems
    100% Castle Sieges
    Full Geodata & PathNodes

    FEATURES L2 NewClassic Server:

    Fully reworked retail like olympiad:
    - players choice 5buffs from npc on stadion,
    - players can not use skills with hp restriction like frenzy, zalot or agelic icon while preparation time,
    - skills are reused after teleport on stadion,
    - players do not see each other to time when fight start,
    - fully worked observation system, including switching between stadion without back to village,
    - players in observation mode do not see losed/gained points,
    - players with same IP can not fight together,
    - teleport back to town right after match end,
    - after olympiad pariod end players do not receive hero status, they need use "Olympiad Monument" and press ther "I want to be a Hero." right after that he will receive hero status.

    Custom reputation system:
    To participate in it you need to talk with "Siege Reputation Manager" and press button "Join".
    In event can participate just players with clan level 5 or more and just if your leader is currently on event (clan members can not participate before clan leader do that).
    Event start on 8:00 am and takes to midnight.
    Event look same like castle siege, and have same rules, clan that own castle will receive 60 reputation points per 60 seconds it mean one point per second.
    Immediately after pressing "Join" in "Siege Reputation Manager" player is teleported to preparation zone, where he can see just his own clan mates, ther he can prepare and when he do that he can use again "Siege Reputation Manager" located in preparation zone to teleport on castle siege zone, players have to choice 8spots.
    If leader of clan that own event castle logout or leave from event, all members of his clan are kicked and castle is going to be free.

    Custom events:
    - Team vs Team,
    - Death Match,
    - Game Master Events,

    Npc s:
    - Top List,
    - Dekarma, after press one button set karma to 0,
    - Worldwide Gatekeeper
    - Full Shop with custom buylists too (without custom items)
    - Wedding Manager
    - Reputation Siege
    - Full Buffer
    - Raid Boss Teleporter
    - All Siege Npc s in Main Town
    - All subcklas in one Npc

    - .online,
    - .deposite, .withdraw,
    - .away, .back,
    - .tradeoff, .tradeon,
    - .votereward,
    - .eventinfo, .eventjoin, .eventleave (TvT, DM),
    - .siegeleave, .siegeprepare, .siegeinfo (used only in "Siege Reputation" event), every12 hours

    - augmentation after use Life stone and cancel augmentation after use Gamestone D, C,
    - noblesse status after use item,
    - hero item, give hero to time when player logout,
    - raid summon, summon random raidboss after use,

    Server Technologie L2 NewClassic:

    * Intel Core i7-920 Quad-Core inkl. Hyper-Threading-Technologie

    * RAM: 8GB DDR3 RAM.

    * 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD

    * 1 Gbps Connection.

    * Operating System: Linux Servers.

    Server Restarts and Maintenance:

    Restart : Monday 00:00 am UTC.
    Maintenance Every: Wednesday at 11:30am UTC.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7544.0

