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Topic: Lineage2 Heredur x90 Mixed PvP/Rpg server (Read 1578 times)
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Lineage2 Heredur x90 Mixed PvP/Rpg server
June 13, 2012, 08:12:48 AM »
Hello people i would like to introduce you our new server.
I believe you always wanted to return to good and original old times of Lineage 2,
But now things have become ridiculous like ships that can fly...
so we could revive anything that has been lost back in the past behind.
I am the owner of Lineage2 Heredur and i call you to begin the new era.
Server Rates.
RateXp = x70.00
RateSp = x70.00
RatePartyXp = x1.10
RatePartySp = x1.10
RateDropAdena = x100.00
RateConsumableCost = x1.00
RateDropItems = x10.00
RateDropSealStones = x2.00
RateDropSpoil = x2.00
RateDropManor = x1
PetXpRate = x2.00
SinEaterXpRate = x2.00
PetFoodRate = x2
# Grand Boss
AdenaBoss = x5.00
ItemsBoss = x1.50
SpoilBoss = x2.00
# Raid Boss
AdenaRaid = x3.00
ItemsRaid = x1.25
SpoilRaid = x2.00
# Raid Minions
AdenaMinon = x2.00
ItemsMinon = x1.00
SpoilMinon = x1.00
Chance For Normal Scrolls -
# Weapon
NormalWeaponEnchantrate = 65%
# Armor
NormalArmorEnchantrate = 65%
# Jewel
NormalJewelryEnchantrate = 65%
Chance For Crystal Scrolls - (Only from +10 to +20)
# Weapon
CrystalWeaponEnchantrate = 75%
# Armor
CrystalArmorEnchantrate = 75%
# Jewel
CrystalJewelryEnchantrate = 75%
Chance For Blessed Scrolls -
# Weapon
BlessedWeaponEnchantrate = 85%
# Armor
BlessedArmorEnchantrate = 85%
# Jewel
BlessedJewelryEnchantrate = 85%
# Safe enchant
EnchantSafeMax = +4
EnchantWeaponMax= +20
EnchantArmorMax= +18
EnchantJewelryMax= +16
# Enchant bonus for dwarves.
+ 2% More enchant success rate with any scroll when dwarf reache to 80 level.
# Hero Weapons.
Hero weapons are unenchantable.
# Augmentation
Chance to get a skill
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 10%
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 15%
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 17%
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 20%
# Olympiad Battles.
# Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18).
# Olympiad Competition Period, Default 6 hours.
# Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes.
# Full time - a fight + wait (default 10 minutes)
# Waiting for the battle (by default 5 minutes)
# Olympiad Weekly Period, 2 weeks.
# Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours.
# Required number of participants for Classed and Non-Classed matches, Default 5 & 9
# Noblesse points awarded to Heros = 300
# Recharge skills before match starts and after match ends.
# Siege Battles.
# Countdown duration of the siege = 120 Minutes
# Maximum number of flags for the clan
MaxFlags = 1
# The minimum level needed for registration = 4
# Maximum number of clans, which can register on each side.
AttackerMaxClans = 500
DefenderMaxClans = 500
# Respawn time in milliseconds.
# Spawn defenders
DefenderRespawn = 30000
# Spawn attackers
AttackerRespawn = 0
# Teleportations via gk are not allowed during sieges.
# Fortress Sieges
# Siege time (in minutes) = 60
# Count down length = 10
# Maximum number of flags from the 1 st clan = 1
# The required minimum level of clan = 4
# Maximum number of registered clans
# AttackerMaxClans = 20
# DefenderMaxClans = 30
# Seven Signs.
# Rule 7 Seals
# To join the warrior Dawn wouldn't require that the player is in the castle allied clan.
# Need to be winner to enter in Catacombs/Necropolis in validation period.
# No Definition for the ownership of the castle clan or alliance.
# The Rules Of The Festival -
# Minimum number of players to participate in the festival of the seven seals = 5
# The start time of the festival = 2 Minutes
# Duration of the festival = 18 Minutes
# The length of the cycle of the Festival = 38 minutes (20 minutes of waiting time + festival)
# Initial spawn festival = 2 Minutes
# The initial training of the Festival = 5 minutes
# Following spawn Festival = 9 Minutes
# The following preparation of the Festival = 12 Minutes
# Spawn Chests = 15 Minutes
# Clan Hall Sieges.
# Devastated castle - Every Monday.
# Time to start registration siege "Devastated castle", in hours = 18
# Partisan Hideout - Every Friday
#Time to start registration siege "Partisan Hideout", in hours = 21
# Bosses.
# Players cant heal Raid Bosses.
# All RaidBoss and Grandboss have the Bonus of Stats (Official Stats)
# Players must finish the required quests to fight with Epic bosses.
# Specifications.
# Autoloot items. (Except bosses drops and Herbs, you have to pickup the items)
# AutoLearn Skills.
# AutoLearn DivineInspiritation.
# Weightlimit x99
# Class Master.
# Pet Upgrader.
# Questable Noblesse.
# Subclasesses without Quests.
# Maximum number of buffs = 20 + 4 Divine Inspiration
# Maximum number of debuffs = 6
# Maximum level players who can not be attacked = 10 level.
# Char lost newbie status at = 40 level.
# Expertise Penality ( Players can't use equip S grade at level 1. )
# Players like dagger or archer can't use Heavy armor. ( Penality starting level 40 )
# Players cant attack to NPC's.
# Number of allowed Subclasses = 5
# StartingAdena = 50.000.000
# StartingAncientAdena = 1.000.000
# Custom Starting items.
# Custom Starting zone for every class. (Floran Village)
# Raised inventory limits for every class.
# Unstuck interval (15 Seconds)
# Minions respawn timer = 5 minutes.
# Player spawn protection = 10 Seconds.
# Flagged players cant use SOE during pvp
# Player protection from agro mobs after getting up from fake death = 5 Seconds.
# Declare the location of Mammon NPCs to players during the ratification of the press.
# Chat filter punishment system.
# Four Sepulchers.
# Quake / Killing Spree System.
# Antifarm messages (Enabled Messages to GMs on 4-5 consecutive pvp of a player)
# Aio System.
# Announce castle lords on enter game.
# Penalty for illegal characters. (Kick/Jail)
# Players cant drop items on the ground.
# Lottery.
# Crafting.
# Race system.
# Fishing System.
# Cursed weapons.
# War legend aura. (at 15pvps in a row)
# Npc Walkers.
# Manor.
# Champion System.
# Custom champion rewards.
# Rebirth System
# Maximum Rebirth's = 3
# Delevel to = 20
# Wedding System.
# Offline Trade/Craft.
# Banking System.
# Auctions.
# Vote Reward system ( You can vote every 12h)
# Special reward for voting - Heredur's Goggles: A special hair accessory grants unique blessing to it's user untill restart.
# Platinium - Vote Reward: One of the most rare stones it's a special reward for voting Heredur.
# Away system.
# Engraving system.
# Shows total players number on login.
# Announcements to all players about the appearance in the world raidboss (spawn)
# Announcements about the ban a player from an administrator account.
# Starting custom title on characters.
# Enabled Raid Petrified if raid more than 8 levels lower.
# Players level 1-39 cannot attack or be attacked by level 40+.
# Title color for clan leaders.
# PvP Colors.
# Protector system for newbies.
# Gm shop up to A grade items.
# Custom Buffer. (Limited Buffs with 2Hours duration)
# Exchanger.
# Pvp/Pk rewards.
# Duel Rewards shop.
# Event Rewards Shop.
# Vote Reward Shop.
# Skill enchanter.
# Custom Shop.
# Augmenter.
# Raidboss Information Npc.
# Raidboss Teleporter.
# Rebirth Manager.
# Wedding Manager.
# Custom Gatekeeper.
# Engraver Npc.
# Trading/Shopping area ( Giran harbor )
# Mini bosses ( with custom drops like lucky boxes )
# Activated and working Geodata/Pathnode.
# Custom Armors.
# Tier I - Sealed Imperial Crusader/Draconic Leather/Major Arcana sets.
You have to unseal the parts by finding mammon in catacombs.
# Tier II - Apprentice's Sets. (Apella)
# Tier III - Dynasty sets.
# Uber Armors - Most powerful gear... The Robe/The Leather Armor/The Scale Mail
# Custom Weapons.
# Tier I - Retail S Grade weapons.
# Tier II - Dynasty Weapons.
# Uber Weapons - Most powerful gear... The bow, The knife, The knife*The knife, The claymore, The hammer,
The staff, The sword, The blade, The blade*The blade, The pole, The fan, The Axe, The Claws, The thorn (Shield), The Defendor (Shield ), The aspis (Shield).
# Jewels
( Epic jewels only from bosses )
# Tier I - Tatteosian Jewels.
# Tier II
# Necklace of Naga
# Necklace of Hekaton
# Necklace of Brakki
# Earring of Ipos
# Earing of Garscia
# Earing of Falston
# Earing of Kandra
# Earing of Von Helmann
# Earing of Vermilion
# Ring of Horuth
# Ring of Mos
# Ring of Shadith
# Ring of Tayr
# Tattoos Tier I
# Tattoo of Fire resistance. Adds +4% Fire resistance to it's user.
# Tattoo of Wind resistance. Adds +4% Wind resistance to it's user.
# Tattoo of Water resistance. Adds +4% Water resistance to it's user.
# Tattoo of Earth resistance. Adds +4% Earth resistance to it's user.
# Tattoo of Holy resistance. Adds +4% Holy resistance to it's user.
# Tattoo of Dark resistance. Adds +4% Dark resistance to it's user.
# Cloaks Tier I
# Cloak of Sword Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against swords to it's user.
# Cloak of Blunt Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against blunts to it's user.
# Cloak of Dagger Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against daggers to it's user.
# Cloak of Bow Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against bows to it's user.
# Cloak of Pole Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against polearms to it's user.
# Cloak of Fist Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against fists to it's user.
# Cloak of Dual Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against duals to it's user.
# Cloak of B.Sword Resistance. Adds +4% Resistance against B.swords to it's user.
# Cloak of Etc Resistance. Adds +4 Resistance against Etcs to it's user.
# Belts
# Belt of The Mentalities: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the rebels that was against the magic. Increases M Def. By 200
# Belt of The Attackers: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the greatest warriors. Increases P Atk. By 200
# Belt of The Spellcraft: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the most wise magisters. Increases M Atk By 200
# Belt of The Protectors: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the honorable champions. Inreases P Def. By 200
# Belt of The Damned: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the most fiery assassins. Increases Critical Power By 10%
# Belt of The Mercenaries: Heredur's uber belt, Once was used from the mercenaries. Increases CP By 1000
# Bracelets
# Bracelet of The Spirits: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the possesseds by divine spirits. Increases Mana By 1000.
#Bracelet of The Hunters: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the greatest hunters. Increases Accuracy By 10%.
# Bracelet of The Visdoms: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the most wise wizards. Increases Magic Critical Chance By 2%.
# Bracelet of The Betrayers: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the betrayers of empire. Increases Evasion By 2%.
# Bracelet of The Forsakens: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the most fiery assassins. Increases Critical Chance By 2%.
# Bracelet of The Highlanders: Heredur's uber bracelet, Once was used from the highlanders. Increases Health By 1000.
# Collectable items -
Heredur's Copper Coin
Heredur's Silver Coin
Heredur's Not allowed Coin
Ancient adena
Not allowed bar
( All monster drops this item, It's one of the most valuable objects in the the world of Heredur, This metal is used in many things like trades, exchanges and others )
( Vote reward item that can be used in many places around server )
( This stone is the Heredur's Symbol that can be used in many places around server )
Broken swords
(Pvp reward item, also required to buy scrolls, pets, and etc...)
Champion's skull
( Item attained by killing champion monsters, also required to buy items from vendors)
Tyrannosaurus heart
( Item attained by killing Tyrannosaurus )
Red,Green,Blue Spam is not allowed stones
( Sealstones rewarded from catacombs, also required as materials to create rebirth items.)
Fire,Water Mantras
(Can be exchanged with Platiniums ( Vote reward stones ) in order to buy items from vendors. )
Blank scrolls
( Quest reward items from catacombs, Required to but tattoos/cloaks and etc.)
Mark of Battlemaster
( Material/Item for the last tier of armors/weapons )
Mark of Eventmaster
( Material/Item for the last tier of armors/weapons )
Mark of Adventurer
( Material/Item for the last tier of armors/weapons )
Festival adena
( Event reward item from TVT/CTF/DM, also required to buy miscellaneous staff from vendors )
Medal of Honor
( Event reward item from TOWNWAR )
Raid token
( A token attained by killing various bosses, also can be used as material for last part of uber armors/weapons)
Symbol of Dusk
( Material/Item for the last tier of armors/weapons and others )
Symbol of Dawn
( Material/Item for the last tier of armors/weapons and others )
And much more
# Daily automated events -
# Capture The Flag. (CTF) at 15:00, 19:00, 22:00
# Team vs Team. (TVT) at 12:00, 5:00, 20:00
# Deathmatch. (DM) at 21:00, 23:30
# TownWar. (TW) Random.
# Vip Event. Random
# Daily Manual events by staff
# Russian rulette.
# Hide and Seek.
# 1vs1 - and Party duels.
# Last mand standing.
# Monster Race track event.
# Commands
# (.tvtjoin / .tvtleave / .tvtinfo)
# (.ctfjoin / .ctfleave / .ctfinfo)
# (.dmjoin / .dmleave / .dminfo)
# .online
# .repair
# .deposit/.withdraw
# .away/.back
# .stats
# Other Informations
# In the first week only Castle of Gludio will be siegable, so every week other castles will become siegable too.
# S Grade Enchant Scrolls Armor/Weapon can be dropped from monsters using spoil at specific farming areas.
# Varka Silenos Outpost, Ketra Orc, Forge of The Gods.
# S Grade Crystall Enchant Scrolls Armor/Weapon can be dropped also from monsters at Party Areas.
# S Grade Blessed Enchant Scrolls Armor/Weapon can be founded at olympiad manager in exchange of Gate pass.
# There absolutely will be NO Donation for any Armor/Weapon.
# There absolutely will be NO Corruption, Edited Gm rights, Trusted and experienced staff.
`More informations are coming soon.
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