
Author Topic: www.novaworld.eu Mid Rate server...  (Read 2002 times)

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    www.novaworld.eu Mid Rate server...
    « on: August 12, 2012, 12:46:59 PM »
    Interlude server configuration


        Experience (XP): x75
        Spell Points (SP): x75
        Drop (Adena): x75
        Drop (Items) / Spoil: x25
        Drop (Raidboss): x5
        Drop (Grandboss) x1
        Drop (Grandboss Jewelry): x1*
        Drop (Quest Item): x10**
        Quest Reward: x3**
        Manor: x5

    *one grandboss jewelry peace per grandboss
    **not apply for all quests


        Max. Enchant amount: +16
        Chance (for regular scrolls): 55%
        Chance (for blessed scrolls): 60%


        Antharas: 72+4 hours*
        Valakas: 72+5 hours*
        Baium: 48+4 hours*
        Zaken: 40+4 hours*
        Queen Ant: 24+2 hours*
        Orfen: 20+4 hours*
        Core: 33+4 hours*
        Frintezza: 48 hours*

    Also, raidboss 'Flame of Splendor Barakiel' respawn time changed to 6+2 hours*

    *First number indicates hours of main respawn time. Second number means random delay of respawn.


        Modify your character settings by typing .menu
        Hold CTRL+SHIFT to look drop of monsters or raidbosses.
        Repair stucked character by creating new character in same account and typing .repair
        Vote or participate in the events by typing .events
        Start your offline shop by making your vendor or manufacture and typing .offline
        Learn more about your character stats by typing .whoami
        Allow or forbid incoming buffs (works only on peace zone) by typing .blockbuff
        Enable or disable account bind to your computer by typing .bindhwid *

    *When computer is binded, you will be able to login only from computer you used to bind account. Bind status can be checked by writing .hwidstatus


        Fully working skills based on the global balance
        All quests fully working
        Working Fortresses, Clan Halls and Castles
        Fully working Raid / Grand Bosses (such as Frintezza, Sepulchers, etc.)
        Working cursed weapons
        Scheme Buffer (2 hours of buff time)
        24 buff slots (+4 for Divine Inspiration skill)
        Heroes changes each week
        Gatekeeper teleports players to Catacombs, Necropolis and Primeval Isle
        Mammon NPCs added to all towns
        GM Shop up to B-grade added to all towns
        Materials and their recipes added to GM Shop
        Antibox policy: main character and 1 box allowed to login
        Working 'Anti Heavy' system
        Working automatic events: TvT / CTF / DM
        Commercial geodata

       Site: www.novaworld.eu

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9037.0

