
Author Topic: NEW oppened over 450+ online, buffer, 25x, no lag, great server join us!  (Read 1892 times)

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  • L2Rival - New Classic Server will be opened soon !
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    • L2Rival Classic - Deceptievly Simple , Insanely Fun !
Hello everyone,
After a really long time of working, our server is finally ready to be launched!
L2 Rival is a midrate server, based on L2-aCis project.
We are sure you will enjoy the features our server has to offer, We have collected alot of information regarding players likes and dislikes from previous lineage 2 experience, we are experienced developers who can do about anything to make the server grow and get better over time.


Exp/SP: 25x
Party Exp/SP: 2x
Adena: 30x (40x until level 52)
Drop/Spoil: 15x
Raid/Manor: 7x

Mana potions
Buyable at GM-shop, Not useable during PvP.
Offline shops
Set your private store and simply exit game to start an offline store.
Unqiue buffshop by players
By using .buffshop you can start a store where you can sell buffs to other players.
80 minutes bufftime (24+4 Buff slots)
All buffs are set to 80 minutes, every character has 24 buffslots, learn divine inspiration to increase it.
Basic NPC buffer
NPC which sells only basic buffs to help you get started, if you have a summon, you can buff it by simply targeting it.
Unique personal vote reward
Vote for the server to win Event coins and adena, voting is done through a vote manager NPC ingame.
Special cancel system
To make PvP more interesting and less annoying, when players get cancelled, the buffs that has been removed will be back after 15 seconds.
Class changer
1st class change - free, 2nd - 500k, 3rd - 10kk. Remote HTML is enabled.
Retail noble quest
You can choose if to do the first part of the quest or collect 500 MSS and 100kk and trade them for caradine letter (1st part) in GM-shop
3 Castles active
Only Giran, Aden and Goddard castles will be active, this is done to make gameplay and PvPs alot more interesting.
Olympiad time left message
Whenever you log in, you get a message with the timeleft until olympaid period ends.
PvP/PK announce with locations
Messages will appear as system mesasges to cause less spam, location of the pvp is added to make pvps appear more often.
Delevel NPC
Each delevel costs 1kk, deleveling won't make you lose your skills.
Champions enabled
Auto pickup
Excluding raid bosses and grand bosses.
Auto learn skills
Excluding divine inspiration.
Enchant configs
Rate: 66%
Safe: +3 (+4 for full armor)
Max: +16
New players start with top no-grade equipment
Includes top no-grade set, weapon and 2k soulshots / blessed spiritshots.
Clan notice system
Clan leaders can set a special message through community board, whenever clan members log in they see the message as an HTML popup.
Wedding enabled
To get married you need 500kk and formal wear (Both players), going to love is enabled.
Additional features
Unstuck 20seconds
2 weeks olympiad period
Free subclass
GM shop until B-Grade
Global Gatekeeper

Event Engine
The event engine will take place every 3 hours.
A random event will be choosen each time from the following events: TvT, VIP, Battlefield, CTF, DM, LMS.
Reward for the winning team or player are 2 Event coins.
In all events, if both teams has same score, then a random team is choosen as winner team.

In this event players will be divided into 2 teams, the goal is to kill as many people as possible from the enemy team, each kill counts as score.
The team with most score is the winner team.

In this event players will be divided into 2 teams, each team will have a player which will be VIP and the team will have to keep him alive.
A team gets scored only when it kills the enemy VIP player.
The VIP player is choosen randomly and changes every time it dies.
The team with most VIP kills wins.

In this event players will be divided into 2 teams, there will be 5 Capture flags spread in the event area.
All players get a unique "Capture" skill, which they can use on the flags in order to capture them.
For each flag the team owns, they get +1 score every second, so for example if a team has 3 flags, it gets 3 points each second.
The goal is to keep as many flags on your team as possible.
The team with bigger score wins.

In this event players will be divided into 2 teams, each team will have a flag and a flag holder.
The goal in this event is to steal the flag from the enemy base and take it to the flag holder in your base.
for each flag succesfully transfered, the team will get a score.
A flag cannot be delivered if both flags are taken, the team must kill the enemy flag holder in order to be available to deliver the team's flag.
The team with more flags delivered wins.

This is a free for all event.
All players will have same name, same look, wont be able to chat.
The goal is to make as much kills as possible, the winner is the player with most kills.

This is a free for all event.
All players will have same name, same look, wont be able to chat.
At the start of the event all players will be invisible for 20 seconds, this is the best time to choose a good place to hide!
The last person to survive wins.

Lucky chests
Free for all event.
On event start, 300 chests will spawn, the player to open the most chests wins.
Buffs in this event will be removed, aswell as any casting/riding ability will be disabled.
When opening a chest, there is a chance it'll explode and the guy opened it will die, or it will open sucesfully and add score to the player
When opened sucesfully, there's also a 30% chance the opener will obtain event coin! So good luck on this one!
Any player above level 40 can enter the event.

Achievements Engine
Complete ingame missions to get rewarded.
You can visit achievements manager in giran to see more information regarding achievements, get rewarded and so on.
Reward for completing achievements are Event coin(s).

List of possible achievements:
* Champion - Gain level 80
* Hero - Gain hero status
* Noble - Gain noble status
* Zaishen - Gain a +16 weapon
* Norn - Gain 4,000 PvPs
* Darkbringer - Gain 1,500 PKs
* Commander - Be a clan leader of a level 8 clan
* Bravery - Have 3 subclasses level 80
* Gamer - Be online for 100 days
* Conqueror - Be a clan leader of a level 8 clan that owns a castle
* Codex - Gain a +15 skill
* Famous - Be a clan leader of a level 8 clan with 100,000 reputation points
* Myth - Be hero for 10 periods
* Wisdom - Kill Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda within 24 hours
* Slayer - Kill Baium and be level 80
* Joker - Kill Antharas and be level 80
* Legend - Kill Valakas and be level 80
* Lightbringer - Gain 1,200 raid points
* Dominator - Gain 1,500 event kills
* Winner - Gain 250 event wins
* Eventor - Play in 250 events
* Vanquisher - Complete all personal achievements
* Tycoon - Complete all achievements

When a golem attacks
Special raidboss which spawns at a random location every 6 hours.
The location gets announced to all players.
This raidboss drops all kinds of top quality materials and a few event coins.

More events will be handled by GMs and will be added to the server over time.
We hope to see you playing on our server, Don't forget to call all your friends and enemies to join aswell!
Such server doesn't come twice.

Our website - http://www.l2rival.com
Our forum - http://www.l2rival.com/forum

Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9215.0

