
Author Topic: For sale - nice L2Mods/events collection  (Read 3048 times)

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    For sale - nice L2Mods/events collection
    « on: October 11, 2011, 06:55:43 AM »
    Hello all,
    Here i present you with some of my work:

    Achievements Engine
    The one i shared here before was an old one, aswell as there was a missing part in l2pcinstance.

    * Adapted to interlude l2jfrozen
    * Fully fixed and protected againts exploits (ppl cannot complete an achievement more than once by trading items/clan from each other for example.)
    * Very easy achievements addation/modification
    * Currently implemenated achievements are:
    level, pvp count, PK count, clan level, be hero, be noble, weapon enchant, karma count, adena count, clan members count, be clan leader, be mage class, be married, items count, clan reputation count, own a castle, subclass count, complete achievements, skill enchant, online time, hero count, raid points, raid kills and more.

    Example of achievements:
    Code: [Select]
    <achievement id="1" name="Commander" description="Be a clan leader of a level 8 clan" reward="9142,10" mustBeClanLeader="true" minClanLevel="8"/>
    <achievement id="2" name="Bravery" description="Have 3 subclasses" reward="9142,5" minSubclassCount="3"/>
    <achievement id="3" name="Farmer" description="Bring 200 Sprignant fruits" reward="9142,15" itemAmmount="8787,200"/>
    Achievement 1 means that a player must be leader of a clan lvl 8 to claim the reward (in this case the engine will mark the clan so if leader will give CL to another member he wont be able to re-claim the reward)
    Achievement 2 means that player must have 3 subclasses to claim the reward
    Achievement 3 means that player must bring 200 sprignant fruits to claim the reward (in this case the engine will take the items from the player and will reward him)

    If you want to give more than one reward you can just seperate with ";"

    Price: 25e

    Phoenix event engine
    * Adapted + fixed for interlude l2jfrozen
    * Currently implemenated events: Bomb fight, Battlefield, CTF, DM, Domination, Double domination, LMS, lucky chests, mutant, zombies, Russian Roulette, Simon says, TvT, VIP.
    * Yes i must mention there are alot of stuff fixed and added here like:
    1) Zombies in zombies event are transformed into zombies
    2) Mutant in mutant event will transform into a monster you decide
    3) Fixed death penalty and exp loss during events
    4) Added alot of stuff to LMS to make it alot more balanced: all players will be named "Player", will wear formal wear (wont affect char stats), will hide clan data like crest/name/ally data, players wont be able to talk/pt invite during events.
    5) Fixed issue when spawn killing in bomb fight while spawn protection is enabled (score was increasing)
    6) more..
    * Configureable stuff: register time, time between events, Vote window, event buffer, friendly fire, min/max lvl, match times, rewards, allow potions/skill usage, remove/leave buffs, min players to participte.

    Price: 25e

    * Trivia will run automatically (players won't have to register to it like all the free trivias out there..)
    * Configurable stuff:
    Question times: You can decide in which hours a question will be announced
    Answer time: If no answer will be given during this time event will end
    Amount of questions to ask
    Questions and answers
    Reward configurable in java

    The first player who pms "trivia with the correct answer wins and the event ends.

    Price: 10e

    L2jfrozen already has fortresses enabled so i'll just mention whats been added:

    * Configureable stuff:
    Reward: You can reward the owning clan with an item, if you want more than 1 item u can use ";"
    Time between rewards: Every how many minutes to reward the clan
    * Reward will be stored in the clan CWH
    * SOE to fortrees have been added (includes client modification)
    * Clans can now own both castle and a fortress in the same time

    Price: 10e

    Buff shop
    with this mod players can set a buff sale shop (just like normal shops, but for selling buffs)

    * The buffshop includes the mana the person has
    * Configureable price for buffs
    * Only buffs can be added to the shop (classes that are not buffers cannot set buffshop, including overlords)
    * Buff shops will be stored in DB, and will be restored after server restarts

    Price: 15e

    Elven ruins mod
    I know this one was shared on MXC but it was fully exploitable and bugged, here is a fixed version:
    Stuff fixed:
    * Adapted to l2jfrozen interlude
    * when some1 dies he will respawn at the start of elven ruins
    * When some1 SOE he will be removed from the list of raiders
    * When some1 logsout/crash/restarts he will be removed from the list of raiders + get kicked out of elven ruins
    * Fixed timer countdown
    * Fixed not working screen msgs
    * I recommand editing all mobs inside elven ruins to be strong mobs (As it will be enterable only through elven ruins manager anyways, and if you'll want any special mob/boss, you can add it through java (ids and spawnlocs configurable)

    Price: 5e

    All these mods work for interlude(adapted for l2jfrozen) and above cheronicles.
    Accepting Paypal only.
    I got a test server if you would like to test some of these things.
    Contact me via msn for more info/testing purpose : [email protected]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4386.0

