
Author Topic: [WTS][L2J] Abyssal ( Freya Chronicle )  (Read 2655 times)

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    [WTS][L2J] Abyssal ( Freya Chronicle )
    « on: September 10, 2013, 05:48:17 PM »
    Hello guys, i want to present/sell my server customized by me. I've started to develop that server 1 year ago approximately, yes but with some long breaks because i was student and i had to graduated the bacalaureate.
    Why sell your server?
    Because i am too busy in this moment and can't to work anymore at server... so I decided to sell it :)

    What contains your server?
    My server contains a lot of scripts ( I have kept the all authors at scripts ) special added for an server pvp like 500x which will be specified below:

    Code: [Select]
    #                      Olympiad Settings                       #
    # The defaults are set to be retail-like.
    # If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like.
    # Warning:
    # Please take extreme caution when changing anything.
    # Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server.
    # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18)
    # Default: 18
    AltOlyStartTime = 18
    # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.
    # Default: 00
    AltOlyMin = 00
    # Olympiad End Period Date - day(s) of month
    # (e.g. 1 would mean oly period ends every 1st day of month)
    # (e.g. 1,15 would mean oly period ends every 1st and 15th day of month)
    # <b><font color=red>CAUTION: You should set the AltOlyWPeriod and AltOlyVPeriod according to the changes done here!</font></b>
    # Default: 1
    #AltOlyEndDate = 1,8,15,22
    AltOlyEndDate = 1,8,15,22
    # Olympiad End Period Time - in format hh:mm:ss (24 hours format)
    # Default: 12:00:00
    AltOlyEndHour = 12:00:00
    # Olympiad Competition Period, Default 6 hours.
    # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins)
    # Default: 21600000
    #AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000
    AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000
    # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes.
    # Default: 300000
    AltOlyBattle = 300000
    # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week
    # Used for adding points to nobles
    # Default: 604800000
    AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000
    # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours.
    # Default: 86400000
    AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000
    # Points for reaching Noblesse for the first time
    # Default: 18
    AltOlyStartPoints = 18
    # Points every week
    # Default: 3
    AltOlyWeeklyPoints = 3
    # Required number of participants for the class based games
    # Default: 5
    AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5
    # Required number of participants for the non-class based games
    # Default: 9
    AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 2
    # Required number of participants for the 3x3 teams games
    # Default: 9
    AltOlyTeamsParticipants = 6
    # Number used for displaying amount of registered participants, messages "Fewer than ..." or "More than ...".
    # 0 for displaying digits instead of text phrase (old style).
    # Default: 100
    AltOlyRegistrationDisplayNumber = 100
    # Reward for the class based games
    # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2...
    # Default: 13722,50
    AltOlyClassedReward = 13722,50
    # Reward for the non-class based games
    # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2...
    # Default: 13722,40
    AltOlyNonClassedReward = 13722,40
    # Reward for the 3x3 teams games
    # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2...
    # Default: 13722,85
    AltOlyTeamReward = 13722,85
    # ItemId used for exchanging to the points.
    # Default: 13722
    AltOlyCompRewItem = 13722
    # The minimal matches you need to participate to receive point rewards
    # Default: 9
    AltOlyMinMatchesForPoints = 9
    # Rate to exchange points to reward item.
    # Default: 1000
    AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000
    # Noblesse points awarded to Heros.
    # Default: 180
    AltOlyHeroPoints = 180
    # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 1 members.
    # Default: 120
    AltOlyRank1Points = 120
    # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 2 members.
    # Default: 80
    AltOlyRank2Points = 80
    # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 3 members.
    # Default: 55
    AltOlyRank3Points = 55
    # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 4 members.
    # Default: 35
    AltOlyRank4Points = 35
    # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 5 members.
    # Default: 20
    AltOlyRank5Points = 20
    # Maximum points that player can gain/lose on a match.
    # Default: 10
    AltOlyMaxPoints = 10
    # Hero tables show last month's winners or current status.
    # Default: True
    AltOlyShowMonthlyWinners = True
    # Olympiad Managers announce each start of fight.
    # Default: True
    AltOlyAnnounceGames = True
    # Restrict specified items in Olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. 1,200,350)
    # Equipped items will be moved to inventory during port.
    # Default: 6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,9388,9389,9390,17049,17050,17051,17052,17053,17054,17055,17056,17057,17058,17059,17060,17061,20759,20775,20776,20777,20778,14774
    AltOlyRestrictedItems = 6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,9388,9389,9390,17049,17050,17051,17052,17053,17054,17055,17056,17057,17058,17059,17060,17061,20759,20775,20776,20777,20778,14774
    # Enchant limit for items during Olympiad battles. Disabled = -1.
    # Default: -1
    AltOlyEnchantLimit = -1
    # Log all Olympiad fights and outcome to olympiad.csv file.
    # Default: False
    AltOlyLogFights = False
    # Time to wait before teleported to arena.
    # Default: 120
    AltOlyWaitTime = 120

    # Olympiad Anti Feed System(OAFS) - Enabled(True) / Disabled(False)
    # Default: True
    AltOlyAntiFeed = True

    # OAFS - Name of Olympiad Participants
    AltOlyAntiFeedName = Instant

    # OAFS - Title of Olympiad Participants
    AltOlyAntiFeedTitle = Olympiad

    # OAFS - Hero Glow for Participants (INCLUDES CURRENT HEROES)
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedHeroGlow = False

    # OAFS - GMs Can See Real Participants Names in Arena Lists?
    # Default: True
    AltOlyAntiFeedGmSee = True

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use All/Local Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatAll = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Shout Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatShout = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Trade Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatTrade = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Clan Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatClan = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Ally Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatAlly = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Hero Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatHero = False

    # OAFS - Participants Can Use Private/Tell Chat?
    # Default: False
    AltOlyAntiFeedChatTell = False

    Code: [Select]
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # NPC Rename
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # NPC Change Name player
    RenameNpcID = 10001
    RenameNpcMinLevel = 85
    RenameNpcFee = 4037,10

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PK Guard     
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PK Guard Protection
    GuardId= 10003

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Special Gatekeeper that shows player count inside a specific zone
    # If you want to change the zone,you can change it inside SpecialGateKeeper.java
    # And don't forget to change the zone name inside the html
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Default: 00000 make your own npc
    GatekeeperNpc = 10014

    # Item id required for teleport
    # Default: 57 (adena)
    PriceItemId = 57

    # Price/amount of item needed to teleport
    # Default: 10000
    TeleportPrice = 10000

    Donator ( this system is connected to my buffer... how is that? once you have donator status you can see Buff+30 +15 etc... but there is a problem the buffer need to be fixed because do not load scheme buffs of players after server restart ) So this system is not working 100%
    Code: [Select]
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Donator Section (Premium Users)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Turn the color name.
    # Default: False
    DonatorSeeColorName = False

    # Default: 00CCFF - Orange
    DonatorNameColor = 00CCFF

    # Turn the color title.
    # Default: False
    DonatorSeeColorTitle = False

    # Default: 00CCFF - Orange
    DonatorTitleColor = 00CCFF

    # Donator welcome message...
    # Default: Welcome back to our server! Enjoy your stay!
    DonatorWelcomeMessage = Welcome back to our server! Enjoy your stay!

    Enchant ( this system is a bit reworked and have some special features )
    Code: [Select]
    #                         Enchanting                           #
    # This controls the chance an item has to break if it is enchanted.
    # This chance is in %, so if you set this to 100%, enchants will always succeed.
    # Default: 66,66,66
    EnchantChanceWeapon = 100
    EnchantChanceArmor = 100
    EnchantChanceJewelry = 100
    EnchantChanceElementStone = 100
    EnchantChanceElementCrystal = 100
    EnchantChanceElementJewel = 20
    EnchantChanceElementEnergy = 10
    # Default: 66,66,66
    BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 100
    BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 100
    BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 100
    # Suspended check - put this in RequestEnchantItem.java (Config.BREAK_ENCHANT) if you want to work
     BreakEnchant = 0
    # Default: 66,66,66
    CrystalEnchantChanceWeaponWarrior = 60
    CrystalEnchantChanceWeaponMage = 40
    CrystalEnchantChanceArmor = 60
    CrystalEnchantChanceJewelry = 60
    # This is the enchant limit, if set to 0, there will be no limit.
    # Example: If this is set to 10, the maximum enchant will be 10.
    # Default: 0, 0, 0
    EnchantMaxWeapon = 16
    EnchantMaxArmor = 20
    EnchantMaxJewelry = 20
    # This is the maximum safe enchant.
    # Notes:
    #If EnchantSafeMax is set to for 8 the item will be safely enchanted to 8 regardless of the max enchant value set above.
    #EnchantSafeMaxFull is for full body armor (upper and lower).
    #These values should always be greater than 0.
    # Default: 3, 3
    EnchantSafeMax = 3
    EnchantSafeMaxFull = 3
    # List of non-enchantable items.
    # Currently apprentice, travelers weapons and Pailaka items
    # Default: 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831,13293,13294,13296
    EnchantBlackList = 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831,13293,13294,13296
    # List of items that can be enchanted over the max enchant limit.
    # Currently Event Weapons
    # Default: 13539
    EnchantWhiteList = 15

    #                Progressive enchanting system                 #
    # Enable/Disable progressive enchanting system (experimental).
    EnchantStepEnabled = False
    # Progressive enchanting mode. Values allowed = static, dynamic
    EnchantStepMode = static
    # If EnchantStepMode = static:
    # Value in percent (%). Reduced from enchant rate on each next enchant.
    # Example: +3 safe enchant. EnchantChanceWeapon = 66. EnchantStep = 3
    #+4 = 66%, +5 = 63%, +7 = 60%, +8 = 57% etc.
    # If EnchantStepMode = dynamic:
    # enchant chance is multiplied by (EnchantStep^(item enchant level)-safe enchant)
    # for example, if enchant step is 0.95
    # +10 = 66*(0.95^(10-4))
    # it only starts to make a real difference after +10,
    # so it's useful for servers with high max enchant.
    EnchantStepStatic = 3
    EnchantStepDynamic = 0.95

    #                  Skill enchanting maximum                    #
    # Turn this off to avoid skill enchanting.
    # Default: True
    EnableSkillEnchant = True
    # When this is enabled it will read the "SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel" option.
    # Default: False
    EnableSkillMaxEnchantLimit = False
    # When this is over 0, it will cutoff the skill enchant level to it's value.
    # When it's 0 it will removed the current skill enchant.
    # Default: 30
    SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel = 30

    #                Custom Weapon PvP - Hero                      #
    # Enchant In Weapons Hero ?
    EnableHeroWeaponEnchant = True
    # Elemental In Weapons PvP ?
    EnablePvPWeaponElement = True
    # Elemental In Weapons Hero ?
    EnableHeroWeaponElement = True
    # Argument In Weapons PvP ?
    EnablePvPWeaponAgument = True
    # Argument In Weapons Hero ?
    EnableHeroWeaponAgument = True

    #              Max Elemental In Armors e Weapons               #
    # System Max Elemental (1-14)
    ElementalCustomLevelEnable = True
    # Max Elemental in Weapons
    ElementalLevelWeapon = 7
    # Max Elemental In Armor
    ElementalLevelArmor = 7

    Leaderboard (Arena LeaderBoards count the kills only in the zone pvp called Chaotic Zone which have special features, btw i will present them after i finish with configs)
    Code: [Select]
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Arena LeaderBoards
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Arena Manager Configs
    # Required: CustomNpcTable = True
    RankArenaEnabled = True
    # Interval in minutes
    RankArenaInterval = 120
    # Reward ID
    RankArenaRewardId = 9627
    # Reward amount 0 to disable
    RankArenaRewardCount = 5

    # Anti Dual-Box in the event:
    ArenaAcceptSameIP = False

     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Fisherman LeaderBoards
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Fish Manager configs
    # Required: CustomNpcTable = True
    RankFishermanEnabled = False
    # Interval in minutes
    RankFishermanInterval = 120
    # Reward ID
    RankFishermanRewardId = 57
    # Reward amount 0 to disable
    RankFishermanRewardCount = 1000

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Craft LeaderBoards
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Craft Manager configs
    # Required: CustomNpcTable = True
    RankCraftEnabled = False
    # Interval in minutes
    RankCraftInterval = 120
    # Reward ID
    RankCraftRewardId = 57
    # Reward amount 0 to disable
    RankCraftRewardCount = 1000

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TvT LeaderBoards
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TvT Manager configs
    # Required: CustomNpcTable = True
    RankTvTEnabled = False
    # Interval in minutes
    RankTvTInterval = 120
    # Reward ID
    RankTvTRewardId = 57
    # Reward amount 0 to disable
    RankTvTRewardCount = 1000

    PC Bang points
    Code: [Select]
    #                    PC Bang Event Enabled                     #
    #PC BANG POINTS ID = -100
    EnablePc = False
    #Max points that player may have
    #limited to int limit
    MaxPcBangPoints = 1000000
    #Use random in rewarding with points
    #If enabled points will be random from points/2 to points
    AcquisitionPointsRandom = False
    #Creates a chance to aquire double point
    DoublingAcquisitionPoints = True
    #Double points chance
    #if DoublingAcquisitionPoints=True
    DoublingAcquisitionPointsChance = 1
    #PC Bang point rate
    #e.g. with 1.0 it's 10000 exp = 1 PC Bang point
    #2.0 - 10000 exp = 2 PC Bang points
    #0.5 - 5000  exp = 1 PC Bang point
    AcquisitionPointsRate = 0.0001

    Another special config for players
    Code: [Select]
    #       Automatic active soulshots/spiritshots log in          #
    # Automatic activation of soulshots/spiritshots on player log in.
    AutoActivateShotsEnabled = False
    # Minimum shots needed to activate (make it over 100)
    AutoActivateShotsMin = 200
    # Consume shots (Soulshots, BlessedSpiritShots, Spiritshots)
    ConsumeSpiritSoulShots = True

    #              Custom title for news characters                #
    # Set this option to true to enable custom titles on new chars.
    CharTitle = True
    CharAddTitle = Newbie

    #               Custom spawn news characters                   #
    # Set true for custom spawn location.
    CustomSpawn = True
    SpawnX = -76435
    SpawnY = -174918
    SpawnZ = -11008

    #                Custom items news characters                  #         
    # Allow custom starter items?
    AllowCustomStarterItems = False
    # You must allow custom starter items!
    CustomStarterItems = 57,1000;

    #          Distance from player for private store              #
    # Minimum distance from player / npc to open a new private store shop
    ShopMinRangeFromPlayer = 0
    ShopMinRangeFromNpc = 0

    # This option will enable a alternatif leveling of soul Crystal
    EnableNewLevelingSoul = False

    #                       PK Cleaner NPC                         #
    #Item ID for Cleaning PK
    PKCleanItemID = 57

    #PK Cleaning price
    PKCleanPrice = 1

    Balance class
    Code: [Select]
    #                         WARNING                              #           
    # Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server.
    # Your server will NOT be as retail servers.
    # Those settings are useful if you own some special server
    # or really small server.
    # NOTE : "true" to enable "false" to disable.
    #                     Class Settings                           #
    # Damage Multipliers for Magician characters.
    # Default: 1.0
    AltPDamageMages = 0.85
    AltMDamageMages = 0.85
    # Damage Multipliers for Fighter characters.
    # Default: 1.0
    AltPDamageFighters = 1.0
    AltMDamageFighters = 1.0
    # Damage Multipliers for pets and summons.
    # Default: 1.0
    AltPDamagePets = 1.0
    AltMDamagePets = 1.0
    # Damage Multipliers for NPCs (mobs).
    # Default: 1.0
    AltPDamageNpc = 1.0
    AltMDamageNpc = 1.0

    #                     Class Settings                           #
    # Both settings can work together .  The order Balancing
    # will be "Class vs. Class" and then "Class Balance" .
    # Enable Class Balance System (Class Vs Armor Vs (Mage or Fight)).
    # Set the variables in the table class_balance.
    # Default: True
    EnableClassBalanceSystem = True
    # Enable Class Vs Class Balance System.
    # Set the variables in the table class_vs_class.
    # Default: True
    EnableClassVsClassSystem = True

    # Balance Dagger Classes                     -
    DaggerVsHeavy = 1.00
    DaggerVsLight = 1.00
    DaggerVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Archer Classes                     -
    ArcherVsHeavy = 1.00
    ArcherVsLight = 1.00
    ArcherVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Blunt Classes                     -
    BluntVsHeavy = 1.00
    BluntVsLight = 1.00
    BluntVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Dual-Weapon Classes                -
    DualVsHeavy = 1.00
    DualVsLight = 1.00
    DualVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Fist Classes                     -
    FistVsHeavy = 1.00
    FistVsLight = 1.00
    FistVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Sword Classes                     -
    SwordVsHeavy = 1.00
    SwordVsLight = 1.00
    SwordVsRobe = 1.00
    # Balance Pole Classes                     -
    PoleVsHeavy = 1.00
    PoleVsLight = 1.00
    PoleVsRobe = 1.00

    Code: [Select]
    #              Custom Clan Leader Color Name                   #
    ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = False
    ClanLeaderColor = 000000
    ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 5
    ClanLeaderTitleColorEnabled = False
    ClanLeaderTitle = 00FF00
    ClanLeaderTitleAtClanLevel = 5

    #           PvP color system / Pk color system                 #                                             
    # PvP Name color System.
    # It works like: pvps,color;pvps,color, eg. 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;.
    PvpsColors = 100,00FF00;
    # Pk Title color System.
    # It works like: pks,color;pks,color, eg. 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;.
    PksColors = 100,00FF00;

    Code: [Select]
    #        Advance system message via ExShowScreenMessage        #
    # Enable advance system message via ExShowScreenMessage
    EnableAdvanceSystemMessage = True
    ScreenPositionMessage = 4
    EnableMessageCritical = True
    CriticalPositionMessage = 2
    # 1 Small / 0 Big
    FontSizeCriticalMessage = 0
    # Skills
    SkillPositionMessage = 2

    #                      Welcome message                         #
    # Show screen welcome message on character login
    # Default: True
    ScreenWelcomeMessageEnable = True
    # Screen welcome message text to show on character login if enabled
    # ('#' for a new line, but message can have max 2 lines)
    ScreenWelcomeMessageText = Lineage II Abyssal
    # Show screen welcome message for x seconds when character log in to game if enabled
    ScreenWelcomeMessageTime = 10

    #                   Quick Info For Newbies                     #
    #Enable Quick Info Message For Newbies ?
    EnableInfoMessage = Vote for US!

    #                  Show Welcome PM on start                    #
    # Show Welcome PM on start
    ShowWelcomePM = True
    PMFrom = Abyssal
    PMText1 = Welcome to our server!
    PMText2 = Visit our web http://L2Abyssal.ro/
    # Char on start Pm vote
    ShowWelcomePM1 = True
    PMFrom1 = Abyssal
    PMText3 = Don't forget to vote for us! Thanks

    #                      Show welcome html                      #
    # Welcome Html Config
    # Show Welcome Html When a Player Logs In?
    ShowWelcomeHtmlOnLogin = False

    #                    PvP / PK Announce                         #
    # Default: True
    AnnouncePkPvP = True
    # Announce this as normal system message
    # Default: True
    AnnouncePkPvPNormalMessage = True
    # PK message template
    # variables: $killer, $target
    AnnouncePkMsg = $killer has slaughtered $target
    # Pvp message template
    # variables: $killer, $target
    AnnouncePvpMsg = $killer has defeated $target

    #                      Special in video                        #
    SpMensagen = True
    SpMain = Forum
    SpTexto = http://l2Abyssal.ro/forum

    #                       Others announces                       #
    # Announce Hero Name At Login
    AnnounceHeroLogin = False
    # Announce when lord of the castle logges in
    AnnounceCastleLords = False
    # Announce Boss spawn in game
    AnnounceRaidSpawn = False

    Code: [Select]
    #                    Offline trade/craft                       #
    # Option to enable or disable offline trade feature.
    # Enable -> true, Disable -> false
    OfflineTradeEnable = True
    # Option to enable or disable offline craft feature.
    # Enable -> true, Disable -> false
    OfflineCraftEnable = False
    # If set to True, players in off-line shop mode will be invulnerable.
    # Default: False
    OfflineModeSetInvulnerable = True
    # If set to True, name color will be changed then entering offline mode
    OfflineSetNameColor = True
    # Color of the name in offline mode (if OfflineSetNameColor = True)
    OfflineNameColor = 808080
    # Allow fame for characters in offline mode
    # Enable -> true, Disable -> false
    OfflineFame = False
    #Restore offline traders/crafters after restart/shutdown. Default: false.
    RestoreOffliners = True
    #Do not restore offline characters, after OfflineMaxDays days spent from first restore.
    #Require server restart to disconnect expired shops.
    #0 = disabled (always restore).
    #Default: 10
    OfflineMaxDays = 1
    #Disconnect shop after finished selling, buying.
    #Default: True
    OfflineDisconnectFinished = True

    Code: [Select]
    #                          AntiFeed                            #
    # This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points.
    # Default: True
    AntiFeedEnable = False
    # If set to True, kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points
    # and clan reputation will not be transferred.
    # Default: True
    AntiFeedDualbox = True
    # If set to True, server will count disconnected (unable to determine ip address)
    # as dualbox.
    # Default: True
    AntiFeedDisconnectedAsDualbox = True
    # If character died faster than timeout - pvp/pk points for killer will not increase
    # and clan reputation will not be transferred.
    # Setting to 0 will disable this feature.
    # Default: 120 seconds.
    AntiFeedInterval = 120

    #                   Walker/Bot protection                      #             
    # Basic protection against L2Walker.
    # Default: False
    L2WalkerProtection = True
    EnableCaptchaSystem = False
    #Anti bot System(kill)
    #Default 50
    AntiBotKills = 30

    #                       PK protection                          #
    # Disables attacking char if the attacker's lvl minus victim's lvl is over
    # specified difference and the target is not flagged. For example, if you want
    # to disable PK'ing chars that are more than 20 lvls below attacker's lvl, set
    # the value to 20. Setting the value to 0 disables the feature.
    # If player has more than specified number of PKs in the monitored period,
    # he/she is automatically punished. If set to zero, this feature is disabled.
    # For what period (in seconds) the PKs should be monitored
    # Punisment type:
    #   jail - char will be jailed
    # Punishment length (in seconds)
    # If punishment type is jail then the punishment period should be divisable by
    # 60 as jail punishment is counted in minutes

    #                      Check Dual Box                          #
    # Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to enter game.
    # Default: 0 (unlimited)
    DualboxCheckMaxPlayersPerIP = 2
    # Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to participate in olympiad.
    # Default: 0 (unlimited)
    DualboxCheckMaxOlympiadParticipantsPerIP = 1
    # Whitelist of the addresses for dualbox checks.
    # Format: Address1,Number1;Address2,Number2...
    # Network address can be number ( or symbolic (localhost) formats.
    # Additional connection number added to the global limits for this address.
    # For example, if number of TvT event participants per IP address set to the 1 (no dualbox)
    # and whitelist contains "l2jserver.com,2" then number of allowed participants from l2jserver.com
    # will be 1+2=3. Use 0 or negative value for unlimited number of connections.
    # Default:,0 (no limits from localhost)
    DualboxCheckWhitelist =,0

    #                  S.O.E. In PvP Protection                    # 
    #If you set this option to "True" , players can't use SOE when
    #they are flagged!
    #Default is "False"
    SoeInPvpProtection = True

    #               Anti-OverEnchant System                        # 
    # Enable/Disable Over Enchant Protection.
    # Checks if a player have a Over Enchanted Item.
    # It will Ban every player whit a Over Enchanted Item.
    # Default/Recommended: False
    EnableOverEnchantProtection = False
    # Max Enchant for Weapons, Armors and Jewels.
    # Default: 25 | 25 | 25
    OverEnchantProtectionMaxWeapon = 16
    OverEnchantProtectionMaxArmor = 20
    OverEnchantProtectionMaxJewel = 20
    # Punish for Bad Players that Owns a Over Enchanted Item.
    # Default: True | True | False
    OverEnchantPunishBan = False
    OverEnchantPunishJail = False
    OverEnchantPunishKick = False

    #                     Safe Admin System.                       #
    # Enable/Disable Safe Admin Protection.
    # Default: True
    EnableSafeAdminProtection = False
    # Safe Admin's Names:
    # Example: Name1,Name2,Name3
    # Default:
    SafeAdminName = Scryde,
    # Punish for Unsafe Admins
    # Default: True | True | False
    SafeAdminPunishBan = True
    SafeAdminPunishJail = True
    SafeAdminPunishKick = False
    # When a Safe Admin Login, GS will send a Log:
    # "Safe Admin: Browser has been logged in."
    # Default: False
    SafeAdminShowAdminEnter = False

    #                     Bot Report                               #
    # If enabled, the action button in the character action inventory
    # called Bot Report will be used to report bots (stored in database)
    # Default: True
    EnableBotReport = True

    Vote HOP/TOP ( this system have update to the new Topzone, both work)
    Code: [Select]
    # Vote reward for Hopzone.
    AllowHopzoneVoteReward = True
    # Vote reward server link.
    HopzoneServerLink = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/87837/Lineage2-Instant
    # Votes for next reward needed.
    HopzoneVotesDifference = 5
    # Minutes between rewards.
    # Eg. You put 5 it checks every 5 minutes for reward.
    HopzoneRewardCheckTime = 2
    # Reward(s).
    HopzoneReward = 9627,5;
    # Hopzone reward max dual boxes reward.
    # For example if you put 2 and someone has 3 boxes open 2 will be rewarded.
    HopzoneDualboxesAllowed = 1
    # Game server console report.
    # If set to true, game server console will get a report of
    # current vote count, votes needed for next reward and votes needed for first page.
    AllowHopzoneGameServerReport = True

    # Vote reward for Topzone.
    AllowTopzoneVoteReward = False
    # Vote reward server link.
    TopzoneServerLink = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/3425/WorldOfAges.html
    # Votes for next reward needed.
    TopzoneVotesDifference = 5
    # Minutes between rewards.
    # Eg. You put 5 it checks every 5 minutes for reward.
    TopzoneRewardCheckTime = 1
    # Reward(s).
    TopzoneReward = 9627,1;
    # Topzone reward max dual boxes reward.
    # For example if you put 2 and someone has 3 boxes open 2 will be rewarded.
    TopzoneDualboxesAllowed = 1
    # Game server console report.
    # If set to true, game server console will get a report of
    # current vote count, votes needed for next reward and votes needed for first page.
    AllowTopzoneGameServerReport = True

    Code: [Select]
    #             Chat use amount PvP Kills Settings               #
    # Enable blocking chat for those who do not have the amount of PvP Kills to
    # Chat Shout?
    EnablePvPChatShoutBlock = True
    TxtPvPChatShout = To use this chat you need 500 PvP's.
    # Quantity PvP Kills to use the Chat Shout
    AmountPvPChatShout = 500
    # Add punishment for using the Chat Shout, this will reduce the number of PvP
    # Kills every messaging.
    PunishedAmountPvPChatShout = 0
    # Enable blocking chat for those who do not have the amount of PvP Kills to
    # Chat Trade?
    EnablePvPChatTradeBlock = True
    TxtPvPChatTrade = To use this chat you need 250 PvP's.
    # Quantity PvP Kills to use the Chat Trade
    AmountPvPChatTrade = 250
    # Add punishment for using the Chat Trade, this will reduce the number of PvP
    # Kills every messaging.
    PunishedAmountPvPChatTrade = 0

    Those are the important codes added.

    Other features:

    -Special pvp zone ( Chaotic Zone)
    *The npc where you teleport count the players inside
    *Auto respawn 15 seconds
    *Players cannot unstuck
    *Players cannot restart/unlog
    *Special reward only in that zone 100fame
    *Special sounds for Double/Triple/Ultra/Rampage/Godlike kills

    -Fixed Steal Divinity/ Cancel skills ( you receive back after 15 seconds)

    -Script against flood by clicking too fast

    -Commands .online .changepassword .depost .withdraw .dressme .rb .repair .kino ( this is an special event)

    - 2 Anti-bot system
    *Bot Report button ( you can find it at actions )

    *TvT ( Tvt have some extra features than the usual)
    *LeaderBoard ( count the kills from the pvp zone and give reward to the best player)

    -Fake PCS ( you can make the NPCS to looks like a normal player )

    -Protection against multi class skills, over enchant, flood, anti pvp feed etc...

    Ant much more...

    NPC Photos:
    Oh i forgot the buffer:

    Pack + System = 30E
    Pack + System + Source (Source only for GameServer because you have DP already in the Pack)= 50E

    If you are interesed pm me on the forum or:
    Skype id: xdewinx
    Email: [email protected]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14916.0

