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L2 KetraWars Vote! Interlude 2492

  • Date added: 2015-07-10 23:41:57
  • Owner: ketrawarstop
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: France
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: 1000
  • SP: 1000
  • DROP: 1000
  • ADENA: 1
  • Safe enchant: 3
  • Max enchant: 18
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
Social share
Interlude 1000x new winter PvP season
Start December 20
Open betatest December 17

New Years event from the start
Personal gift to everyone when creating a character
Without purchased clans
Without cash promotions that attract cyber clans
Without restrictions and rules
Dino is closed farming lsov is available to everyone in the farming lock from Champion mobs
Added a drop of master books to bosses 76
Clan skills will drop from Champion mobs
CH auction is available from the start of the server KH will not be transferred during the merger
Top spot in the main lock with a pvp zone and a higher concentration of mobs
Updated store with goods for PvPcoin
The period of the Great Olympiad is 3 days
Updated Olympics system

A new season of a timetested server whose main focus is pvp

Platform Java
Chronicles Interlude
Type PvP
Rare equipment
Many cosmetic items
Reward for online

Welcome to KetraWars interlude project working since 2014
We are waiting for you friend

Site httpsketrawarsnet
Forum httpsforumketrawarsnet
Support httpstmeketrawarsbot
Telegram httpstmeketrawarsnet
Chat httpstmeScb99v2LCE4Y2E6

KetraWars is gaming complex presents the most popular and visited Interlude servers Since 2014 Ketra has taken a leading position in the rankings among interlude servers in world as well as in foreign tops of Interlude servers The complex has 3 game worlds that maximally satisfy the needs of all players starting from a classic server with x1 rates ending with a crazy PvP server x1200
News 2023-03-17 19:20:47
Server 100x interlude successfully opened!
News 2022-01-15 20:23:35
Lineage 2 Remastered x10

Opening February 4, 2022

Key dates:

21.01 Launch of the OBT server
News 2021-02-23 09:48:44
News 2018-10-21 18:50:30
Dear guests of our homely Ketrawars, we congratulate you on the grand opening of the x1200 server. For the first time in the history of Lineage 2, a server for solo players opened, which gathered more than 3 thousand people united by one goal - fun and pvp.
News 2018-10-06 20:11:23
With pleasure we broadcast about the event, which we are accustomed to calling the "Bonus Start". Start playing on our servers right now and get useful bonuses.
x1200 PvP - premium account for 7 days for all new characters
New х100 Craft-PvP - premium account per day for all new characters
News 2018-09-13 21:01:53
Start playing on our servers right now and get useful bonuses. This is distributed to such servers:
x1200 PvP - premium account for 7 days for all new characters
New х100 Craft-PvP - premium account per day for all new characters
News 2018-09-11 22:48:35
Start playing on our servers right now and get useful bonuses. This is distributed to such servers:
x1200 PvP - premium account for 7 days for all new characters
New х100 Craft-PvP - premium account per day for all new characters
News 2018-08-21 13:17:30
Interlude 100x - successfully opened!
5000 Online!
Join us -
News 2018-08-10 10:49:10
New Interlude 100x comming soon!
Learn more -
News 2018-07-09 02:37:03
News 2018-07-01 21:47:02
PTS x1 opened! Come on, dude! Sign up and start play.
News 2018-06-11 18:13:14
New ketrawars interlude 1x - comming soon!
News 2018-05-15 22:46:00
New Interlude x75
Opening May 18
PvPZona declares the beginning of the war for hot spots and farm location.
News 2018-01-07 23:09:15
International server Interlude 1x - COMING SOON!
News 2017-10-31 21:21:14
Scale bonus start on November 1! Bonus NEWBIE! Join now!
News 2017-10-28 21:14:21
Scale bonus start on October 30! L2off Interlude 10x!
News 2017-09-18 22:06:29
Server opening date: October 13 in 20:00 (UTC +03:00)
OBT: October 7 in 20:00 (UTC +03:00)
Chronicles: Interlude
Platform: Official assembly (EURO PTS)
Feature: Combination PvP and PvE in one server!
News 2017-06-05 20:45:52
New INTERLUDE 1x PTS - 30 june!
News 2017-05-11 19:22:42 - Opening date: May 19 at 20:00 MSK

Main features of the server:
The action with a prize fund of 1 600 Euro.
Limitation of 45 people - each clan can win!
Strict control of the server economy and strife with bots.
The server will work without wipe up to 0 online!


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