Important Dates
Server opening date 31th March 2000 GMT 3
Server start in OBT mode 28th March GMT 3
Start of the Olympiad 31th March GMT 3
featurepng Server Features
NEW Unique quest for a costume More
NEW Revival of the forgotten location Blazing Swamp More
NEW Hunt for Tyrannosaurus Dino Island More
Leveling Soul Crystal from 12 to 13 Levels on RB More
We can safely call our server unique
needpng Must know
Now in the Blazing Swamp from 2100 to 0000 Moscow time Mage Warrior Monster with a tasty drop appear
Highgrade Life Stone chance 2 Festival Adena chance 15 Scroll Enchant WeaponArmor chance 2 Arcana Mace HeadDraconic Bow Shaft chance 16
To learn clan skills you need a clan egg that can be obtained on a dino island with Tyrannosaurus 5 chance
Static cast of Flames of Invincibility Alliance UD 5 seconds
The maximum number of people in a clan is 27
Top Grade Life Stone drop chance from Tyrannosaurus 60 Respawn 5 minutes
Respawn Noble RB Barakiel 4 hours 30 minutes
Price for the third profession 4000000 Adena
Full Alt B functionality Shop Service Buffer Teleport Statistics Info
An announcement was added 15 minutes before the appearance of raid bosses except for epics 76
Now 10 Grade Adena is withdrawn for crafting S Grade Weapons
Information about EPIC RB Read
Drop Raid Boss 76 Read
startpng What awaits you at the start
All characters appear in the initial locations
In all places where characters appear there are all the necessary NPCs
Characters appear in TOP NoGrade gear
All characters added a small starting capital for development
ratespng Rates
EXPSP x100
Adena x1 Lively economy All prices are indexed and balanced
Drop x100
Spoil x100
Seal Stone x15
Raid Boss x25
Epic RB Drop x1
Quest x1 Except for some quests х10х50
Quest Reward x1
Manor x1
Team to check the end of the premium account premium
Premium account works for a specific character purchased
Added a premium rune that adds 50 to rates
proffpng Profession
The price of the first profession is free
The price of the second profession is free
Third profession 5000000 Adena
eventspng Events
TvT with an automatic buff of the mage warrior sets the schedule can be viewed in the game by the command tvt
CTF with an automatic buff of the mage warrior sets the schedule can be viewed in the game by the command ctf
subclasspng SubClass and Noblesse
SubClass does not require a quest The maximum quantity is 5
There is no quest for Noblesse Just kill Flame of Splendor Barakiel
Respawn Noble RB Barakiel 4 hours 30 minutes
The level of Noble RB and security is 80
To obtain the status of a Noblesse you must
Kill the Flame of Splendor Barakiel
Be on a sub class of level 76
You will not receive noblesse if
The character is at a distance of more than 1500 from the Boss
Sub class below level 76
The character is not on a subclass
Your party didnt finish off the boss
You were dead at the time of the boss kill
The second window does not receive Noblesse check by HWID
siegepng Siege
Sieges every week Saturdays and Sundays
Sieges only 2 castles Giran on Saturdays and Goddard on Sundays for maximum concentration of epic battles
Automatic 50 Coin of Luck reward for capturing castles
The first sieges will take place on March 8th and 9th
Registration for the siege closes 2 hours before the siege begins 120 minutes
olympiadpng Olympiad
Duration of the Olympiad from 1800 to 2400 Moscow time
Olympiad period 1 week
Start of the Olympiad 31 March
The first issuance of hero from 8 March you need to get hero at the monument
Maximum sharpening at the Olympics 6 Things above have a 6 sharpening stats
HWID protection
Extraclass fights require 3 player registrations
The minimum number of battles for getting into the list of those fighting for the title of a hero is 9 Of these the minimum number of victories is 1
topls76png Augmentation Life Stone
Chance of drop Top Grade Life Stone from Tyrannosaurus 60 Respawn 5 minutes
Chance to get skill from augment Тop LS 10 High LS 7 Mid LS 3 Life Stone 1
Information about the bonuses of Life Stone skills
Added new 777 Life Stone The chance to get a skill from it is 100
777 Life Stone can be obtained by killing epic bosses
enchantpng Enchant
Safe enchant 3 On failure blessed by scrolls it is reset to safe
Weapon 16 armor 14 jewelry 14
A balanced chance of enchant
The odds are the same for both regular and Blessed scrolls
clanpng Clan system
All clan penalty are canceled except for the dissolution of the clan 1 day
When creating any clan already has 8 level
The maximum number of people in a clan is 30 The Royal Guard and the Order of the Knights are disabled
An alliance can only be created to make a large clan badge maximum number of clans in the alliance 1
Reputation for killing a character from an enemy clan 0
To learn clan skills you need clan eggs that can be obtained on a dino island with Tyrannosaurus
Clan skills apply to all characters in a clan regardless of rank
aboutpng Features Other
Full info on stats drop spoil resist on Shift Click
Convenient and multifunctional GM Shop with things up to B grade the mammon with all its functions is also available
Convenient buffer with the ability to save profiles and buff pets
There are 36 slots available under BUFF the whole BUFF lasts 2 hours
Global Gatekeeper will quickly take you to the most popular pharma and spoil locations
Reward for PVP 10 Greater CP Potion Delay in receiving rewards for PvP 60 seconds for 1 of the same character
Reward for PK 5 Greater CP Potion Delay in receiving rewards for PK 120 seconds for 1 of the same character
Offline trade craft The offline team
coinspng Server currency
Adena is the main currency of GM shop It is obtained from all monsters
Festival Adena can be obtained at events from champions from Raid Bosses or mobs 76
Coin of Luck can be obtained by donating to the project
commandspng Commands at server
epic opens a window with information status and schedule of Epic Bosses
menu player control panel enable disable experience trade invitations etc
lock linking an account to a computer setting a password for a character
reloc recovery of a character stuck on the same account
acp Auto Combat Potion ACP a command to buy activate deactivate
acpset ACP setup setting below which banks will start to be used automatically
rcm clan gate coldown 30 minutes
clanbonus automatic distribution of bonuses to clans
tvt opens a window with registration for the event Team vs Team
offline offline trading