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Servers indexed : 20

LINEAGE2 LATIN Vote! Interlude 0

  • Date added: 2020-06-19 20:00:02
  • Owner: fabianomiguez
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: Brazil
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: 300
  • SP: 300
  • DROP: 5
  • ADENA: 20
  • Safe enchant: 4
  • Max enchant: 16
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
Social share

Interlude x300
SubClass free
Noblesse Barakiel Party Last Hit or retail Barakiel Quest
Unlimited Offshops
Global GK Free
Auto loot Except EpicRaids Bosses 8s loot protection
Exclusive Wedding System
Clan Hall System with GBs auctions
AntiBothack AAC
Farm ASAcessoryEnchants
Max 3 Box hwid
PvP color names 100 300 500 700 1000 2000 3000 4000
Vip system 50 Adena 2x farm drop rate Blessed enchant chance 5
Unique class balance system
Champion mobs with special coin drops
7signs are open 247
Crystal stage lv13 update AnakazelEmber 20
Personal dashboard menu with all functions like optimize FPS bosses respawn time real time event timers enabledisable skins effects and hero aura clanhall manager enchant ranking and many other cool features


TvT CTF DeathMatch Fortress

Exclusive events maps

Rates 100x Adena 150x
Quests Rates 5x drop chance 50
Spoil 5x
Seal Stones 8x

Slot 32 4 Divine Inspiration Free
Npc with all buffs macros
All buffs duration 2h

Safe 4
Max Weapon 16
Max Armor e Jewels 10
Blessed Enchant Rate Armor 5 to 7 50 8 to 10 3
Blessed Enchant Rate Weapon 5 to 12 40 13 to 16 1

Giran castle every 2 days 1900h
Passive skill Bonus 70 PdefMdef passive skill for all members Clan Leader ice aura
Duration 1H

Global GK
Teleport to all locations including raid bosses epics and farm locations
All Drop info at Global GK oltions

Global shop
CGrade and BGrade Adenas
AGrade and SGrade farm unseal
Quest Items for Adena
Varied exchange options

Server dashboard menu with all fuctions and commnads


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